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Version: 5.32


1. Intro

Authorization is needed to restrict access to EV charging infrastructure to a select group of EV owners. The Charge Controller supports three major authorization flows:

Können die Authorization Methoden gleichzeitig sinnvoll genutzt werden? Wenn ja, wie sehen da die Interaktionen zu aus?

2. Hardware prerequisites

Your Charging Station requires at least one RFID-capable hardware component to allow for local and remote authorization flows.

The following RFID modules are available to add authorization support:

ModelCompatible Charge Controller models
RFID117-L1(all variants)

product page
RFID114 product page
RFID105-L1 product page
RFID110contact Bender sales
HMI150(all variants)

product page
HMI145 product page
HMI140 product page

2.1. Master-Slave setup considerations

Two RFID setups are supported on Double Charging Stations:

  • One shared RFID module (Master-Slave)
  • Two individually controlled RFID modules

3. Free Charging

Free Charging allows anyone to charge their EV vehicle at any time and at no cost for the EV driver.

3.1. Relevant parameters

ScopeLocation in Configuration InterfaceParameterPossible valuesInfo
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > Free ChargingFree Charging
  • On
  • Off
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > Free ChargingFree Charging Mode
  • No OCPP
  • With OCPP status notif without auth
  • With OCPP status notif with auth
  • With OCPP Full fixed RFID with auth
  • With OCPP Full fixed RFID without auth
  • With OCPP Full any RFID
see here for an in-depth explanation
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > Free ChargingRFID Tag for Free Charging with OCPP Full, fixed rfid modesonly relevant for these modes:
  • With OCPP Full fixed RFID with auth
  • With OCPP Full fixed RFID without auth
The tag used to communicate to the OCPP Backend in some of the Free Charging modes (see here for when and how it's used)

3.2. Enable

  1. In the Configuration Interface, under AUTHORIZATION > Free Charging, set Free Charging to On
  2. Set Free Charging Mode to No OCPP
  3. At the bottom of the Configuration Interface, click , then click to apply the changes

3.3. Modes

Free Charging comes with several modes to choose from. The base functionality stays the same. The one thing that changes is the active OCPP communication from the Charge Controller for monitoring and reporting purposes. The OCPP functions affected by the active Free Charging mode are:

  • StatusNotification
  • TransactionNotification
  • MeterValue
  • Authorize
  • StartTransaction
  • StopTransaction
Free Charging
RFID behaviorInactive OCPP functionsTransmitted
transaction ID
Power outlet cover
interaction (if applicable)
  • No RFID scan required to start a charging session. Charging starts immediately
  • StatusNotification
  • Authorize
  • MeterValues,
  • StartTransaction
  • StopTransaction
  • RemoteStartTransaction
  • RemoteStopTransaction
NoneAny RFID tag must be scanned to release the cover
With OCPP status notif without auth
  • No RFID scan required to start a charging session. Charging starts immediately
  • Authorize
  • StartTransaction
  • StopTransaction
  • RemoteStartTransaction
  • RemoteStopTransaction
With OCPP status notif with auth
  • Any RFID tag must be scanned
  • Authorize
  • StartTransaction
  • StopTransaction
  • RemoteStartTransaction
  • RemoteStopTransaction
Scanned RFID tag
With OCPP Full fixed RFID with auth
  • Any RFID tag must be scanned
  • Authorize
Rfid Tag for Free Charging with OCPP Full, fixed rfid modes(see here)
ID token from the Backend
With OCPP Full fixed RFID without auth
  • No RFID scan required to start a charging session. Charging starts immediately
  • Authorize
  • RemoteStartTransaction
Rfid Tag for Free Charging with OCPP Full, fixed rfid modes(see here)
With OCPP Full any RFID
  • Any RFID tag must be scanned
  • Authorize
Scanned RFID tag
ID token from the Backend

3.4. Free Charging mode decision chart

Use the following chart to help choose the Free Charging Mode that makes most sense for your situation.

4. Local Authorization

Local Authorization is an authorization feature that works independently of Remote Authorization and Free Charging.
Local authorization is managed through the Local Whitelist.

4.1. Local Whitelist

The Local Whitelist is a backend-independent list, which is stored exclusively on the Charge Controller. UIDs which are entered in this list are always authorized for loading. There is no interaction between the OCPP Backend and the Local Whitelist.

4.2. Enable

  1. Make sure that the following parameters are set like so:
ScopeLocation in Configuration InterfaceParameterValue
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > RFID WhitelistsEnable local whitelistOn

4.2.1. Managing the Local Whitelist

The Local Whitelist can be populated with various elements:

RFID tagMain type of ID used with the Local Whitelist0460558A565F80
MAC addressUsed in tandem with Autocharge1A:2B:3C:4D:00:00
AUTH_INPUTSpecial tag used in tandem with the Auth Input authorization feature (documentation is being worked on)AUTH_INPUT Adding RFID entries to the Local Whitelist
  1. Under WHITELISTS > Local Whitelist, click
  2. Enter the desired UID
  3. Click Authorization on Double Charging Stations

Use-case: You want to authorize a UID on just one of two Charge Controllers inside a Double Charging Station.

  • Add _1 to the end of a UID to authorize it only on the master Charge Controller
  • Add _2 to the end of a UID to authorize it only on the slave Charge Controller Example
839B0E0AAuthorize on both Charge Controllers
839B0E0A_1Authorize on the master Charge Controller only
839B0E0A_2Authorize on the slave Charge Controller only

4.2.2. Whitelisting through OCPP Intro

The OCPP Whitelist is a local cache of the backend on the Charging Station. Here, all RFIDs from authorized charge cards by the backend can be transferred to the Charging Station periodically. This is to ensure that a charging process can be authorized even if the Charging Station cannot establish a connection to the Backend. In addition, the cache allows authorization to take place much more quickly. If this option is deactivated, a request is made to the backend every time a request is made to the Charging Station (i.e. whenever an RFID is presented to the RFID reader). Only when this is accepted, the charging process is authorized. Configuration

To enable the OCPP whitelist:

  1. Configure the following parameters:
ScopeLocation in Configuration InterfaceParameterValueInfo
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > RFID WhitelisteEnable OCPP WhitelistOn

In the List of entries in OCPP whitelist (also List of entries in cache) then all UIDs released by the backend are cached. In which intervals this list is updated depends on the respective backend.


We recommend not to make any changes in this list, as they will be overwritten during the next synchronization. In certain cases it may be useful to delete the entire list. To do this, remove all numbers in the list and save the change with Save & Restart. Refreshing the OCPP Whitelist cache

In the parameter OCPP Whitelist expiry mode you can select if the Charging Station should delete entries of the cache by itself.

ScopeLocation in Configuration InterfaceParameterValueEffect
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > GeneralOCPP Whitelist expiry modeEnd of epoch 2038 (default)(default value) the controller is configured to expire cache entries on the latest possible date (12/31/2038). In practice, this means that the local memory entries are never cleared by the controller itself. Any changes to the cache are therefore made exclusively by the backend or manually.
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > GeneralOne year from nowThe cache will automatically expire one year after the last change.

4.3. Manual authorization

through the Configuration Interface (Start Button)

  • Use case
    • Testing for electrician when you don’t want to set up RFID
  • Authorization / Enable Charging button on Configuration Interface

5. Remote authorization

5.0.1. OCPP configuration options

  • Local Pre Authorize
  • Local Authorize Offline
  • Send Authorize for RemoteStart

5.1. UID letter case

Take the display format into account when reading the UID. For our controller, the hexadecimal code must always be used. When entering the UIDs, the representation form must match the selection in the RFID Tag letter case field.

5.1.1. UID format examples

formatExample UID
Lower case0a0e9b83
Upper case0A0E9B83

6. Relevant parameters reference

Here is an overview on the general settings that affect how authorization is handled:

ScopeLocation in Configuration InterfaceParameterValueInfo
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > Free ChargingFree Charging
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > Free ChargingFree Charging Mode
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > Free ChargingRFID Tag for Free Charging with OCPP Full, fixed rfid modes
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > Free ChargingRFID Tag for Free Charging with OCPP Full, fixed rfid modes (Connector 2)
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > Free ChargingIf in doubt allow chargingOffThe charging process is not started until the Charging Station receives a response from the backend and the user has been authorized. In extreme cases, this will result in the user not being able to charge.
OnIn this case, the charging process is authorized even if there is no feedback from the back end. However, as soon as this occurs, the loading process is subsequently canceled if necessary.
ImmediatelyWhenPluggedHere, the charging process starts immediately after the charging cable is plugged in. The user's RFID is not checked until the charging station has reconnected to the back end. If necessary, the charging process is then aborted. The difference to "On" is that here no RFID has to be presented at all to start the charging process.
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > GeneralVehicle connection timeout
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > GeneralSend Authorize for RemoteStart
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > GeneralStop Transaction ModeNormalThe cable is released and the transaction stopped when the cable is removed from the car or the RFID used to authorize the charging process is presented again.
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > GeneralStop Transaction ModeStop only by unpluggingThe transaction will not stop completely until the cable is removed from the Charging Station.
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > GeneralStop Transaction ModeUnlock only by RFID/RemoteStopThe charging transaction will not stop until the authorized RFID is presented again or an appropriate (remote stop) message is transmitted from the backend. **Caution: removing the cable from the Charging Station does not terminate the transaction.
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > GeneralStop Transaction ModeNormal + Mode DSame as Normal, wowever, it is supplemented by two cases in which the transaction is also terminated. One is when the vehicle switches to the so-called charging mode D (see EN 62196 Type 2). This signals the vehicle that the battery is "outgassing". However, the problem of outgassing does not occur with lithium-ion batteries, which is why charging mode D never occurs in practice. Second, when a fault current is detected and the residual current device (RCD) trips. This immediately interrupts the power supply. However, using this option requires the RCD to communicate with the controller and signal when it has tripped. However, this is not the case with the Berlin Charging Station, for example.
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > GeneralLock Actuator only if authorized
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > RFID SettingsEnable RFID
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > RFID SettingsRFID Tag letter case
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > RFID SettingsLanguage of Display
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > RFID WhitelistsEnable local whitelist
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > RFID WhitelistsEnable OCPP whitelist
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > RFID WhitelistsLocal Pre Authorize
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > RFID WhitelistsLocal Authorize Offline

7. Appendix

7.1. RFID card support

7.1.1. Supported standards

  • EV2-J

7.1.2. Supported cards

The Charge Controller family supports all Mifare variants:

  • MIFARE Classic 1K/4K
  • MIFARE Ultralight
  • MIFARE Ultralight C
  • MIFARE Plus S
  • MIFARE Plus X
  • MIFARE Plus SE
  • MIFARE Plus EV2
  • MIFARE SmartMX

7.1.3. Additional notes

  • With the MIFARE DESFire EV2, we support the EV2-J
  • Only the UID can be read
  • Limited support for rolling UIDs. We advise against rolling UIDs

For increased security use EV2J.