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Version: 5.32



Learn more about whitelisting with various methods here.

What is a Whitelist?

A Whitelist is a container of identifiers used by the Charging Station for identification of EV owners to determine charging privilege.
Whitelists are set up locally or through your OCPP Backend provider.

Whitelisting through OCPP


The OCPP Whitelist is a local cache of the backend on the Charging Station.
Here, all RFIDs from authorized charge cards by the backend are transferred to the Charging Station periodically.
This is to ensure that a charging process can be authorized even if the Charging Station cannot establish a connection to the Backend. In addition, the cache allows authorization to take place much more quickly.
If this option is deactivated, a request is made to the backend every time a request is made to the Charging Station (i.e. whenever an RFID is presented to the RFID reader). Only when this is accepted, the charging process is authorized.


Deactivate the OCPP Whitelist if you do not have a backend connection.


To enable the OCPP whitelist:

  1. Configure the following parameters:
Location in DashboardParameterValueInfo
AUTHORIZATION > GeneralEnable OCPP WhitelistOn
AUTHORIZATION > GeneralEnable cacheOn

In the List of entries in OCPP whitelist (also List of entries in cache) then all UIDs released by the backend are cached. In which intervals this list is updated depends on the respective backend.


We recommend not to make any changes in this list, as they will be overwritten during the next synchronization. In certain cases, however, it may be useful to delete the entire list. To do this, remove all numbers in the list and save the change with Save & Restart.

Refreshing the OCPP Whitelist cache

In the parameter OCPP Whitelist expiry mode you can select if the Charging Station should delete entries of the cache by itself.


This is only used as a fallback if the Backend doesn't specify a cache-refresh period.

Location in DashboardParameterValueEffect
AUTHORIZATION > GeneralOCPP Whitelist expiry modeEnd of epoch 2038 (default)(default value) the controller is configured to expire cache entries on the latest possible date (12/31/2038). In practice, this means that the local memory entries are never cleared by the controller itself. Any changes to the cache are therefore made exclusively by the backend or manually.
AUTHORIZATION > GeneralOne year from nowThe cache will automatically expire one year after the last change.

Whitelisting through the local whitelist


The local Whitelist is a backend-independent list, which is stored exclusively on the Charge Controller. UIDs which are entered in this list are always authorized for loading. There is no query to the backend.


  1. Make sure that the following parameters are set like so:
Location in DashboardParameterValue
AUTHORIZATION > GeneralEnable local whitelistOn
AUTHORIZATION > GeneralEnable fixed local list (FLL)On

Adding RFID entries to the whitelist

  1. Under WHITELISTS > Local Whitelist, click
  2. Enter the desired UID
  3. Click

Authorization on Double Charging Stations

Use-case: You want to authorize a UID on just one of two Charge Controllers inside a Double Charging Station.

  • Add _1 to the end of a UID to authorize it only on the master Charge Controller
  • Add _2 to the end of a UID to authorize it only on the slave Charge Controller


839B0E0AAuthorize on both Charge Controllers
839B0E0A_1Authorize on the master Charge Controller only
839B0E0A_2Authorize on the slave Charge Controller only