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Version: 5.32


Not yet reviewed

The content in this section is currently under review.

What you'll find here

  • Common ways for restricting access to your charging infrastructure
  • Configuring paid charging
  • Configuring free charging


Authorization is needed to restrict access to EV charging infrastructure to a select group of EV owners. Read on to find out how to create and maintain whitelists.

Free charging

Free charging allows anyone to charge their EV vehicle at any time and at no cost.

Relevant parameters

ScopeLocation in DashboardParameterPossible valuesInfo
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > Free ChargingFree ChargingOn
see help text in Dashboard
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > Free ChargingFree Charging ModeNo OCPP

With OCPP status notif without auth

With OCPP status notif with auth

With OCPP Full fixed RFID with auth

With OCPP Full fixed RFID without auth

With OCPP Full any RFID
see help text in Dashboard
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > Free ChargingRFID Tag for Free Charging with OCPP Full, fixed rfid modessee help text in Dashboard

Free charging mode flowchart

Use the following chart to help choose the Free Charging Mode that makes most sense for your situation.

Free charging modes overview

Free charging modeOCPP backend communicationRFID authorizationInfo
With OCPP status notif without authLimited OCPP communication (status only)
With OCPP status notif with auth
With OCPP Full fixed RFID with authComplete OCPP communication
With OCPP Full fixed RFID without authComplete OCPP communication
With OCPP Full any RFIDComplete OCPP communication

Free charging in combination with a backend connection allows Operators to show if a Charging Station is occupied.

Without a backend connection

  1. Apply the following configuration:

Location in DashboardParameterValue
AUTHORIZATION > Free ChargingFree ChargingOn
AUTHORIZATION > Free ChargingFree Charging ModeNo OCPP
  1. At the bottom of the window, click , then click to apply the changes

After the restart, charging is unrestricted.
Charging starts immediately after a connection to the car is established.

Potential users can't see whether the Charging Station is free or occupied.
Charging session protocols are only provided through log files.

With a backend connection

Coming soon

We are currently preparing this section.

Configuring paid charging

Coming soon

We are currently preparing this section.

UID letter case

Take the display format into account when reading the UID. For our controller, the hexadecimal code must always be used. When entering the UIDs, the representation form must match the selection in the RFID Tag letter case field.

UID format examples

formatExample UID
Lower case0a0e9b83
Upper case0A0E9B83
Lower case reversed byte order839b0e0a
Upper case reversed byte order839B0E0A

It is not always obvious in which byte order the UIDs are specified. If in doubt, try both variants.

Relevant parameters reference

Here is an overview on the general settings that affect how authorization is handled:

ScopeLocation in DashboardParameterValueInfo
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > Free ChargingFree Charging
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > Free ChargingFree Charging Mode
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > Free ChargingRFID Tag for Free Charging with OCPP Full, fixed rfid modes
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > Free ChargingRFID Tag for Free Charging with OCPP Full, fixed rfid modes (Connector 2)
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > Free ChargingIf in doubt allow chargingOffThe charging process is not started until the Charging Station receives a response from the backend and the user has been authorized. In extreme cases, this will result in the user not being able to charge.
OnIn this case, the charging process is authorized even if there is no feedback from the back end. However, as soon as this occurs, the loading process is subsequently canceled if necessary.
ImmediatelyWhenPluggedHere, the charging process starts immediately after the charging cable is plugged in. The user's RFID is not checked until the charging station has reconnected to the back end. If necessary, the charging process is then aborted. The difference to "On" is that here no RFID has to be presented at all to start the charging process.
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > GeneralVehicle connection timeout
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > GeneralSend Authorize for RemoteStart
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > GeneralStop Transaction ModeNormalThe cable is released and the transaction stopped when the cable is removed from the car or the RFID used to authorize the charging process is presented again.
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > GeneralStop Transaction ModeStop only by unpluggingThe transaction will not stop completely until the cable is removed from the Charging Station.
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > GeneralStop Transaction ModeUnlock only by RFID/RemoteStopThe charging transaction will not stop until the authorized RFID is presented again or an appropriate (remote stop) message is transmitted from the backend. **Caution: removing the cable from the Charging Station does not terminate the transaction.
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > GeneralStop Transaction ModeNormal + Mode DSame as Normal, wowever, it is supplemented by two cases in which the transaction is also terminated. One is when the vehicle switches to the so-called charging mode D (see EN 62196 Type 2). This signals the vehicle that the battery is "outgassing". However, the problem of outgassing does not occur with lithium-ion batteries, which is why charging mode D never occurs in practice. Second, when a fault current is detected and the residual current device (RCD) trips. This immediately interrupts the power supply. However, using this option requires the RCD to communicate with the controller and signal when it has tripped. However, this is not the case with the Berlin Charging Station, for example.
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > GeneralLock Actuator only if authorized
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > RFID SettingsEnable RFID
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > RFID SettingsRFID Tag letter case
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > RFID SettingsLanguage of Display
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > RFID WhitelistsEnable local whitelist
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > RFID WhitelistsEnable OCPP whitelist
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > RFID WhitelistsLocal Pre Authorize
OperatorAUTHORIZATION > RFID WhitelistsLocal Authorize Offline