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Version: 5.32

Payment Terminal

This is a first draft to assist in the CCV Payment Terminal integration.

1. Intro

Adding a Payment Terminal to your Charging Infrastructures comes with benefits for both you EV Owners:

  • Benefits for you as a Charging Infrastructure Provider:
    • Less friction between your EVCS and potential customers
      • No need for customers to sign a contract with you
    • Offload payment handling, including receipt generation, bookkeeping and more
  • Benefits for the EV Owners:
    • Low touch authorization flow for initiating a charging session
    • Easy payment procedure; No need for signing a contract with the EVCS-provider

Providing a Payment Terminal is/will be a legal requirement for all EVCS Providers in

3. Minimal setup requirements

4. Wiring setup

Connect the CCV IM15's Ethernet port to your Charge Controller's Ethernet port (RJ45).

5. Software setup

5.1. CCV IM15 configuration

5.1.1. Accessing the configuration menu

After starting the CCV IM15, the menu button will show up briefly. Tap on it to open the Main menu. If the menu button is invisible, restart the CCV IM15. Default PIN

The default PIN is: 3333

5.1.2. Disabling DHCP

  1. Tap to open the Main menu as shown here
  2. Go to Setup
  3. Enter the PIN (default is 3333)
  4. Go to Communication > Network > LAN
  5. Scroll down until you see Use DHCP?
  6. Tap Use DHCP and tap
  7. The text under Use DHCP should now say off

5.1.3. Viewing and setting the static IP address

  1. Open the Main menu as described here
  2. Go to Setup
  3. Enter the PIN (default is 3333)
  4. Go to Communication > Network > LAN
  5. Tap IP address
  6. Set it to a suitable IP address, while making sure the first 3 parts of the IP address are identical to the Charge Controller. Take note of the IP address as you will be needing it later.
DeviceIP addressExplanation
Charge Controller192.168.0.1The first three blocks are identical (192.168.0), thus both devices share the same network
CCV IM15192.168.0.200
DeviceIP addressExplanation
Charge Controller192.168.0.1The first three blocks are different (192.168.0,192.168.1), thus the devices don't share the same network
CCV IM15192.168.1.200
  1. Tap

5.2. Charge Controller configuration

5.2.1. Setting up CCV IM15 discovery

  1. In the Configuration Interface, under INSTALLATION > Payment Terminal, set Terminal IP address to the address you've set the CCV IM15 to
  2. At the bottom of the Configuration Interface, click , then click to apply the changes
Location in Configuration InterfaceParameterValueInfo
INSTALLATION > Payment TerminalPayment terminalOnenable the payment terminal configuration parameters
Terminal IP addressyour IP address of choice
Pre-authorization amount value85
kWh price1.1
VAT for the kWh price [%]19
Service fee2.2
VAT for the service fee [%]19
Occupation fee3.3
VAT for occupation fee19
Total price monitoring interval60

6. Testing

Make sure you've followed all steps on configuring the CCV IM15 and the Charge Controller before proceeding.

6.1. Testing network discovery between the Charge Controller and CCV IM15

  1. SSH into the Charge Controller as charge using the Login Credentials (see here)
  2. Run:

If you see a timestamp, the connection is successful. Only proceed if you can successfully ping the CCV IM15.

7. Troubleshooting

7.1. Where can I ask for help? WIP

Point of contact
Bender Bender techsupport
CCV CCV support

To help you the best we can, export logs and send them to us (follow this guide).