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Version: 5.32


1. Log files

Log files serve as the primary data source for network observability, representing computer-generated data files that capture valuable information about usage patterns, activities, and operations within an operating system, application, server, or other networked devices, providing insights into the performance and optimization of resources.

1.1. Settings

The Log Level determines the amount of information provided by the logs.

ScopeLocation in Configuration InterfaceFieldValueContents
OperatorSystem > GeneralLog LevelLOG_LEVEL_DBGrecommended in most cases
LOG_LEVEL_INFOProvides less information thanLOG_LEVEL_DBG

1.2. Log level by component

In addition to the Log Level, you can change the Log Level by component to suit your logging needs. For setting the Log Level by component:

  1. Log in to the Configuration Interface using the Operator Login Credentials
  2. Under SYSTEM > General set the Log Level by component
  3. At the bottom of the Configuration Interface, click , then click to apply the changes

This parameter allows to set different log levels for different software components. The string consists of a comma separated list of component names and component log levels. See the Configuration Interface > DOCUMENTATION page for an extensive list of component names. The possible logs level are:

  • VDBG
  • DBG
  • INFO
  • WARN
  • ERR

For example, the string to set log level TRACE for the BACKEND component and VDBG for the RCMB component looks like so:


Get in touch with your support agent for guidance on your technical errors. The agent will inform you on which logging configuration to set for your case.

1.3. Download logs

ScopeLocation in Configuration InterfaceFieldValueContents
OperatorDIAGNOSTICS > LogsDownload DiagnosticsDownloadDownloads the logs and setting files as a zip file
Download Diagnostics 2DownloadIf applicable: Downloads the logs and setting files of the Slave Controller as a zip file

This operation may take a few minutes depending on the size of the logs. Don't refresh or leave the page until the download is complete.

1.4. Log encryption

See here.