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Version: 5.32

OCPP status notification error messages


Error activation message is the message that is sent when the error occurred. Error resolution message (if any) is sent when the error is corrected. Some errors may be corrected by external events during operation (e.g. temperature is normal again), while some may be resolved after a reset, power cycle or replacement of a faulty part.

OCPP Error codeError activation messageError resolution messageTransaction and charging is stoppedNotesCorrective actions
groundFailureResidual current detected via sensorResidual current situation resolvedYesInternal RCMB device (yellow coil). This detects also DC residual current.The safety mechanism is reset to its original state every time the cable is unplugged from the chargepoint. Otherwise the error is automatically reset after a delay of 10 seconds if the EV was unplugged. In case the RCMB version is older than or equal to D0469, the delay is 15 minutes. If the problem persists, please check the yellow current transformer (coil) and its connection.
mode3ErrorVehicle signals errorVehicle error resolvedNoMode3 errors.Disconnect EV and try again. If that doesn’t help, follow EV’s instructions.
mode3ErrorVehicle diode check failed - tamper detectionVehicle with diode problem disconnectedYesMode3 errors.Disconnect EV and try again. If that doesn’t help, follow EV’s instructions.
overCurrentFailureMCB of type 2 socket triggeredMCB type 2 reconnectedYesMCB needs to be re-armed, requires a maintenance visit.
overCurrentFailureMCB of domestic socket triggeredMCB domestic socket reconnectedYesMCB needs to be re-armed, requires a maintenance visit.
groundFailureRCD triggeredRCD reconnectedYesExternal RCD Device.Up to a certain point this will be corrected automatically.
groundFailureRCD may be triggered (OCPP meter power loss)RCD may be reconnected (OCPP meter recovered)YesExternal RCD Device.Up to a certain point this will be corrected automatically.
otherErrorSurge Protection Device (SPD) tripped. Replace.NoExternal SPD Device.Surge Protection Devices (SPD) needs to be replaced.
powerSwitchFailureContactor weldedContactor weld resolvedYesVery likely requires a maintenance visit with high priority as it is an indication there might now be a properly disconnected socket when no plug is inserted.
connectorLockFailurePlug locking failedNoTypically caused by not fully inserted plugs, unplugging and attempting to plug again in most cases resolves the problem.
connectorLockFailureType 2 actuator stuck, cannot unlockType 2 locking actuator recoveredYesA mechanical problem, may require a maintenance visit. An Unlock Connector or Hard Reset triggers another attempt to unlock.
connectorLockFailureCould not detect type 2 locking actuatorType 2 locking actuator detectedYesA mechanical problem, may require a maintenance visit. A Hard Reset triggers another attempt to redetect the actuator type.
powerMeterFailureOCPP meter not communicatingOCPP meter communication recoveredYes
powerMeterFailureExternal meter not communicatingExternal meter communication recoveredNo
readerFailureRFID reader not communicatingRFID reader recoveredNo
highTemperatureCan not read temperature sensorTemp sensor recoveredNo
highTemperatureCan not read critical temperature sensorCritical temp sensor recoveredYes
otherErrorCan not read HMI180 temperature sensorHMI180 temp sensor recoveredNo
otherErrorCan not read HMI180 humidity sensorHMI180 humidity sensor recoveredNo
otherErrorVoltage drop on HMICP detectedVoltage drop on HMICP recoveredNo
otherErrorLight sensor on HMICP failureLight sensor on HMICP failureNo
otherErrorTemperature sensor on HMICP failureTemperature sensor on HMICP failureNo
otherErrorHumidity sensor on HMICP failureHumidity sensor on HMICP failureNo
otherErrorGyroscope sensor on HMICP failureGyroscope sensor on HMICP failureNo
otherErrorShock sensor on HMICP failureShock sensor on HMICP failureNo
otherErrorCommunication with HMICP failedCommunication with HMICP failedNo
highTemperatureHousing temperature too high - charging pausedHousing temperature below critical - charging resumedNo
noErrorHousing temperature approaching limit - charging current reducedHousing temperature back to normal - full charging current restoredNo
highTemperatureDC wallbox temperature too high - charging pausedDC wallbox temperature below criticalNo
highTemperatureRelay temperature too high - charging pausedRelay temperature below critical - charging resumedNo
noErrorRelay temperature approaching limit - charging current reducedRelay temperature back to normal - full charging current restoredNo
otherErrorTemperature reaches safety limit - emergency stopTemperature below safety limit - resumeYes
weakSignalSignalWeak:0//Not Availa/0SignalGood:0//Not Availa/0NoLow RSSI limit is 12 and high limit is 14.
otherErrorGSM SIM card is missingGSM SIM card insertedNoGSM SIM card is missing.Insert a SIM card in the dedicated slot.
otherErrorFW Update in progressFW Update finishedYesFW update command issued while update is already in progress.Try again after first command was processed. Otherwise carry out a hard reset.
otherErrorNoFirmware update failed.Try again.
noErrorUSB communication errors.USB communication working properly.NoUSB communication errors.Wait until application recovers from this error.
otherErrorThe ChargePoint is tilted.The ChargePoint no longer is tilted.YesThe ChargePoint has been tilted.A physical inspection and maintenance is required at the ChargePoint location.
otherErrorPossible CP and PR wiring issue.Possible CP and PR wiring issue is solved.YesA car is detected but no cable is detected.Check the wiring of CP and PR cables, they may be swapped or the plug may be broken.
otherErrorPR disconnected while car is connected.PR disconnection issue is solved.NoThe proximity cable is disconnected while the car is pluggedCheck the plug and socket PR contact, it may be defect. Check the internal PR wiring of the charging station and the charging cable.
otherErrorOCPP Master and Slave have different SW version.OCPP Master and Slave have same SW version.NoThe master and slave have different SW versions.Maybe the firmware update has failed or a manual update was performed incorrectly.Check what is the expected FW version and update firmware.
otherErrorRCMB ext oscillator error.NoThe controller on the ChargePoint has a defect.Replace the controller on the ChargePoint.
otherErrorRCMB measurement out of range.YesThe current transformer on the Chargepoint has a defect, if this condition persists.Replace the current transformer on the ChargePoint.
otherErrorCar current is SOCKET_TYPE2_CURR_OVERLOAD_THRESHOLD_1% more than expected.Car is charging at nominal current.NoThe car is charging with SOCKET_TYPE2_CURR_OVERLOAD_THRESHOLD_1% more than expected according to the signaled current. The charge point will try to solve it by decreasing the signaled currentCheck the car.
otherErrorCar current overload, charging stopped.Car is charging at nominal current again.YesThe car is charging with a too high current. Charging will be stoppedCheck the car.
connectorLockFailureActuator unlocked while chargingYesFor some reason the actuator was unplugged during charging.Verify the actuator and actuator wiring
otherErrorNot all DLM Slaves connectedAll DLM Slaves are connected againNoSome DLM slaves are disconnected from DLM master.Reconnect the DLM slaves to the DLM master again.
otherErrorDLM Slave disconnected and not chargingDLM Slave is connected againNoThe DLM slave is disconnected from DLM master and its DisconnectedLimit is set to zero.Reconnect the DLM slave to the DLM master again or increase its DisconnectedLimit.
otherErrorUSB stick handling finishedYesUSB stick is inserted and is being handled.Wait until all operations are finished.
otherErrorPhase rotation failure.Phase rotation direction normal.YesA different phase rotation dir. has been detected from the option selected in the configuration. Phases have either been incorrectly installed, or misconfigured.Configuration has to be changed consistently according to detected phase rotation dir., or the phases have to be correctly installed. A physical inspection and maintenance may be required at the chargepoint location.
underVoltageThere is no power on mains.Grid power restored.YesNo power on mains has been detected.A physical inspection and maintenance is required at the chargepoint location.
otherErrorFailed init: SSH, timezone, USBLIBNoA component or set of components failed to initialize correctly.An inspection and maintenance is required for the chargepoint, issue probably has to be escalated to be handled by a support engineer.
otherErrorState D detected, charging is pausedCar no longer in state D, charging is resumedNoCharging is paused because state D is detected.Check the reason why car goes to state D.
underVoltageLow voltage detected, charging is pausedNormal voltage detected, charging is resumedNoCharging is paused because low voltage is detected. Charging will resume one minute after the electric grid stabilizesWait until the electric grid stabilizes.
overVoltageHigh voltage detected, charging is pausedNormal voltage detected, charging is resumedNoCharging is paused because high voltage is detected. Charging will resume one minute after the electric grid stabilizesWait until the electric grid stabilizes.
otherErrorLow frequency detected, charging is pausedNormal frequency detected, charging is resumedNoCharging is paused because low frequency is detected. Charging will resume one minute after the electric grid stabilizesWait until the electric grid stabilizes.
overCurrentFailureRCD-MCB triggered from unique inputRCD-MCB from unique input reconnectedYesRCD-MCB needs to be re-armed.
noErrorUSB stick handling: Finalized - Please remove USB stickUSB stick handling: Finalized - Please remove USB stickNoUSB stick is still inserted while all previous operations completed successfully.Remove the USB stick.
noErrorUSB stick handling: Finalized with error - Please remove USB stickUSB stick handling: Finalized with error - Please remove USB stickNoUSB stick is still inserted while there were errors with previous operations.Remove the USB stick and retry.
noErrorSocket type 2 plug lifetime exceededNoSocket type 2 plug should be replaced.
connectorLockFailureActuator emergency opener faultedYesA mechanical problem, may require a maintenance visit.
groundFailureGround check (PE) failedGround check (PE) failure solvedNoA wiring problem, may require a maintenance visit.
underVoltageL1 voltage is missingL1 voltage is not missing (contactor opened)NoL1 line is not energized when it should since the contactor is closedVerify that the charger wiring is correctand that no RCD or MCB protection is active.
underVoltageNoError occurs if issued power line is either not connected or the varistor at this line is defective.Check varistor fault or mains outage.
otherErrorMessage queue is fullMessage queue works againYesError occurs when the parameter "OcppQueueFullAsErrorState"was set by operator and the OCPP message queue is full and can not store further items.Check the connection to the OCPP backend.
otherErrorInternal communication errorInternal communication error resolvedYesUnexpected internal SW communication error.A system reboot is required.
otherErrorOCPP meter failureOCPP meter failure resolvedYesOCPP meter reported a failure in the power line supply.Check the power lines voltage, frequency and current.
internalError15118 module failure15118 module failure resolvedNo15118 module failed to initialize.Reboot the chargepoint or check for hardware issues.
internalErrorQCA7000 initialization failureQCA7000 initialization failure resolvedNoQCA7000 initialization failure.Reboot the chargepoint or check for hardware issues.
weakSignaleth interface had 0 link up-down sequences.Too many eth link up-down sequences resolvedNoEthernet interface is having frequent disconnection and connections.Verify the LAN network settings and state.
noErrorSocket type 2 contactor lifetime exceededNoSocket type 2 contactor should be replaced.
underVoltageContactor not closedContactor error solvedNoContactor or main relay has failed to close or it opened during chargingVerify that the charger wiring is correctand that the relay is in good condition.
otherErrorDLM Slave solar mode is incorrectly configuredDLM Slave solar mode is now correctly configuredNoA DLM Slave has solar mode enabled but the DLM Master it's connected to does not support it.Verify that the slave DLM parameters are configured consistently with the DLM master parameters.
otherErrorCP ADC calibration aborted. (Value out of range)NoCP ADC calibration was aborted due to an out of range ADC value.The board might need an inspection by a technician.
otherErrorWLAN SSID or PSK is incorrectly configuredWLAN SSID and PSK are now correctly configuredNoWLAN was enabled but the SSID or the PSK was wrong.Verify that WLAN SSID and the PSK was set correctly.
otherErrorFan defect, ventilation could not be startedFan ventilation functionality recoveredYes
otherErrorShock detectedShock is not longer detectedYes
otherErrorTilt detectedTilt is not longer detectedYes
otherErrorHumidity is too highHumidity is back to normalNo
otherErrorHMI180 temperature too lowHMI180 temperature back to normalNo
otherErrorHMI180 USB errorHMI180 USB error solvedNo
otherErrorHMI180 USB communication errorHMI180 USB communication error solvedYes
otherErrorPhytec temperature too highPhytec temperature back to normalYes
otherErrorPhytec LCD temperature too highPhytec LCD temperature back to normalYes
otherErrorPhytec LCD temperature too lowPhytec LCD temperature back to normalNo
otherErrorHMI180 Phytec communication errorHMI180 Phytec communication error solvedNo
otherErrorLED ring temperature too highLED ring temperature back to normalNo
otherErrorLED ring temperature too lowLED ring temperature back to normalNo
otherErrorLED group failureLED group failure solvedNo
otherErrorPayter temperature too highPayter temperature back to normalNo
otherErrorPayter temperature too lowPayter temperature back to normalNo
otherErrorPayter communication errorPayter communication error solvedNo
otherErrorWIFI module communication errorWIFI module communication error solvedNo
otherErrorWIFI temperature too highWIFI temperature back to normalNo
noErrorDefined number of cycles for under load has been reachedNoSocket type 2 contactor should be replaced.
noErrorAuthorization failed.No
otherErrorFirmware update failed.NoFirmware update failed (internet connection?).Retry or perform a manual update.
resetFailureUnintended Reset - Power Outage?No
resetFailureTerminated transaction after reset! Power Outage?NoChargePoint rebooted while a transaction (charging) was active. Transaction was implicitely terminated.Restart the transaction.
otherErrorSlave is unavailable (disconnected from Master).NoA Slave disconnected from the master.Replace cable, repair connection, and wait until slave reconnects to master.
otherErrorDiagnostics failed.NoDiagnostics failed (internet connection?).Retry.
groundFailureRCMB error.No
evCommunicationError15118 communication error (exi decoder)No15118 communication failed
evCommunicationError15118 communication error (exi encoder)No15118 communication failed
evCommunicationError15118 communication error (TLS cert)No15118 communication failed
evCommunicationError15118 communication error (V2G session id)No15118 communication failed
evCommunicationError15118 communication error (TCP)No15118 communication failed
otherError15118 authorization failedNo15118 authorization for PnC failed. The signature validation failedInstall a valid certificate in the car and the correct root CA in the chargepoint
otherError15118 authentication failedNo15118 authentication for PnC failedInstall a valid certificate in the car and the correct root CA in the chargepoint
otherError15118 certificate installation failedNo15118 Certificate Installation failedVerify that car and backend are handling the certificates properly
noErrorSystem not yet ready.No