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Version: 5.32

Configuring Ethernet

1. Goal

  • Connect your Charge Controller to your Backend/network through Ethernet

2. Requirements

  • You have a local wired network that is connected to the Internet through a router
  • Your Charge Controller is connected to your local network

3. Overview

Location in Configuration InterfaceParameterDescription
BACKEND > ConnectionConnection TypeSpecifies how the Charge Controller connects to the backend
NETWORK > LANMode for network configurationDifferent configuration modes for integration into the network

4. Steps

  1. In the Configuration Interface, under BACKEND > Connection for Connection Type, choose Ethernet
  2. Under NETWORK > LAN set Show LAN Configuration to Show
  3. Follow the steps in either section below based on whether your router is operating in DHCP or static mode

4.1. DHCP-based router configuration

If your router assigns the IP addresses 0, choose Auto (DHCP Client) for Mode for network configuration and configure the following parameters:

4.1.1. Relevant parameters

Location in Configuration InterfaceParameterDescription
NETWORK > LANDHCP client hostnameHostname string
NETWORK > LANDHCP client request retriesNumber of connection attempts
NETWORK > LANDHCP client request timeoutTimeout in seconds
NETWORK > LANDHCP client request delaytimeout in seconds

In general, the default values for the parameters above work and don't need to be changed.


Whether the DHCP client hostname field has to filled out, depends on your network. Contact your network administrator.


Have your router give out static IP addresses when using DHCP if this option is available.

4.2. Static IP assignment-based router configuration

  1. For the Mode for ethernet configuration, select Manual config
  2. Configure the following parameters:
Location in Configuration InterfaceParameterDescriptionExample value
NETWORK > LANStatic network configuration IPStatic LAN IP address of the Charge Controller192.168.0.100
NETWORK > LANStatic network configuration netmaskStatic LAN IP network mask of the Charge Controller255.255.255.0
NETWORK > LANStatic network configuration gatewayIP address of the gateway/router192.168.0.1
NETWORK > LANStatic network configuration DNS8.8.8.8

With this approach you have to define the network parameters manually. If unsure, contact your network administrator.

4.2.1. Example configuration

Location in Configuration InterfaceParameterExample value
NETWORK > LANStatic network configuration IP192.168.0.100
NETWORK > LANStatic network configuration netmask255.255.255.0
NETWORK > LANStatic network configuration gateway192.168.0.1
NETWORK > LANStatic network configuration DNS8.8.8.8

5. Reserved IP address range

IP addresses between - are reserved and cannot be used for static IP address assignment.