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TitleOCPP configuration keys (OCPP 1.5 and 1.6)
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OCPP configuration keys (OCPP 1.5 and 1.6)

Key names for OCPP commands GetConfiguration and ChangeConfiguration. Note that Master-Slave Scope applies for OCPP keys only and not for Web page parameters.

Key NameMaster-Slave ScopeOCPP standardDescriptionReboot RequiredAccessibilityTypeRange, Default or example
DCModeIndividualNoSet controller as DC chargerYesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
RCMBDeltaBothNoMinimum residual current change (in tenth of a milliamp) for which an OCPP status notification is sent to the backend. A value of 0 disables notifications.NoR/Wuint[0..999] Def: 0
RCMBIEC62955ModeIndividualNoConfigures the RCMB to comply with IEC62955 or IEC62752. Important note: If set to 'IEC62955 (locked)', the option 'IEC62752' will be permanently disabled and cannot be selected anymore from then on!YesREnum(0) IEC 62752 Def: IEC 62752
RCMB_STATEIndividualNoRDC-M (RCMB) protection state Maximum values of last transaction Current valuesNoRStringDef: "RMS: Tripped, DC: Tripped, RDC-M (RCMB) Device Status (IEC 62752): Fail"
RCMBTransactionMaxRMSIndividualNoLargest RMS value measured while a transaction was in progressNoRStringDef: " 0.0"
RCMBTransactionMaxDCIndividualNoLargest DC value measured while a transaction was in progressNoRStringDef: " 0.0"
WeldCheckIndividualNoWelded contactor detection. For the '230V input' with and without PE check options (if available) L1 must be connected before the contactor. In these two cases weld check is only done when the car is disconnected and not immediately on opening the contactor.YesREnum(0) Disable (1) Enable Opto C6/5 (2) Enable Opto C8/7 Def: Disable
WeldCheckInTypeIndividualNoWhether the welding detection input circuit is normally closed or normally open.YesREnum(0) Normally open (1) Normally closed Def: Normally open
WeldCheckPhaseInvIndividualNoSet to 'ON' will inverse the weld check via phase detection on '230V input'. The controller expects then 230V if contactor is opened and 0V if closed to handle NC contacts.YesREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
ChargePointVendorBothNoMandatory, identifies the vendor of the ChargePoint.YesRStringDef: "Bender GmbH Co. KG"
ChargePointModelNot relevantNoMandatory, identifies the model of the ChargePoint. Please note that this must not match a different model of the generation of charge controllers.YesRStringDef: "CC612_2S0R"
SSHAccessUsbIndividualNoDisables SSH access to the controller via USB.YesREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
SSHAccessWlanHotspotIndividualNoDisables SSH access to the controller via WLAN Hotspot.YesREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
SSHAccessWlanNetworkIndividualNoDisables SSH access to the controller via WLAN.YesREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
SSHAccessEthIndividualNoDisables SSH access to the controller via Ethernet.YesREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
SSHAccessGsmIndividualNoDisables SSH access to the controller via GSM.YesREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
GeolocationMasterNoShows an approximated chargepoint location.NoRStringDef: ""
InvalidRFIDFilterBothNoSet whether RFID tags with invalid UIDs shall be filtered out and thus not reported by the reader.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
RFIDEnableIndividualNoEnables or disables the RFID reader. Allows preventing error messages if no reader is installed.NoREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
EnforcePwdChangeBothNoForce change of default operator password on login.NoREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
EnforceStrongLoginPwdsBothNoForce selecting a strong secure login password when changing the operator password, the installer password, or the user password.NoREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
RFIDModeBothNoThis parameter determines whether the RFID reader shall just be able to read RFID cards or also shall support NFC communication. If set to 'RFID only' only RFID cards can be read. If set to 'RFID/NFC hybrid' NFC communication is supported and RFID cards can be read.YesREnum(0) RFID only (1) RFID/NFC hybrid Def: RFID only
EnforceMasterRFIDBothNoWhen changing the default operator password the setting of RFID token(s) is forced that reset the system to its operator default settings if presented for 120 seconds.NoREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
EnforceSecureRFIDBothNoThis parameter determines whether all RFID cards are accepted to start charging (off) or if only secure RFID token compliant with VDE-AR-E 2532-100 will be accepted (on).NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
ChargeBoxSerialNumberIndividualNoOverrides serial number of the charge controller manufacturer. Named in OCPP BootNotification ChargeBOXSerialNumber. Note: It can be only set if the value is empty! This precondition is met for re-flashed charge controllers.YesRStringDef: "Not Set"
ChargePointSerialNumberMasterNoSet by charge point manufacturer, not by controller manufacturer. Sent as ChargePointSerialNumber in OCPP BootNotification. If not set, the OCPP message value is replaced by the ChargeBoxIdentity value.YesRStringDef: "Not Set"
MasterRFIDtoRebootIndividualNoRFID tag to reboot the system if presented for 30 seconds. Disable this feature by leaving this parameter empty.NoR/WStringDef: ""
UserInstallerPasswordCheckMasterNoNoR/Wuint[0..4294967295] Def: 1
MasterRFIDstoResetIndividualNoRFID tokens that reset the system to its operator default settings if presented for 120 seconds. Up to 2 (colon separated) tokens can be defined. To disable this feature leave the input field empty.NoR/WStringDef: ""
SSHClientKeyMasterNoKey for authorizing the user 'root' of the ChargePoint to connect to server via SSH. This authorization can then be used to establish reverse tunnels using customer-specific scripts.NoRStringDef: ""
INVOKECUSTOMSCRIPT1MasterNoThis function can be used to invoke a script that was previously stored on the charge controller. E.g. it can be used to trigger ssh to create a reverse tunnel to some known server. This tunnel could then be used for remote login to this charge controllerNoR/WStringDef: ""
INVOKECUSTOMSCRIPT2MasterNoThis function can be used to invoke a script that was previously stored on the charge controller. E.g. it can be used to trigger ssh to create a reverse tunnel to some known server. This tunnel could then be used for remote login to this charge controllerNoR/WStringDef: ""
INVOKECUSTOMSCRIPT3MasterNoThis function can be used to invoke a script that was previously stored on the charge controller. E.g. it can be used to trigger ssh to create a reverse tunnel to some known server. This tunnel could then be used for remote login to this charge controllerNoR/WStringDef: ""
ErrorsListIndividualNoList of errors currently present in the ChargePoint.NoRStringDef: "No errors"
ErrorResolutionIndividualNoList of error resolution currently present in the ChargePoint.NoRStringDef: "Error resolution will be displayed for every active error."
EventsListIndividualNoList of the last events and errors with their timestamp.NoRStringDef: "No events"
OPKGInstallExtraOptionBothNoNoR/WStringDef: ""
GiroEShortBLZFilterIndividualNoOnly accept giro-e cards matching the set Short Bank CodeYesR/WStringDef: ""
AuthorizationInputModeNot relevantNoSet if the authorization input can just start or it can both start and stop a transaction. Note that Scheidt&Bachmann requires this to be set to Only start.YesREnum(0) Only start (1) Start and stop (2) Only stop (3) Charging while active Def: Only start
AuthorizationInputTypeNot relevantNoSet if the authorization input switch is normally open or normally closed. Note that Scheidt&Bachmann requires this to be set to Normally open.YesREnum(0) Normally open (1) Normally closed Def: Normally open
DoorHatchInstalledMasterNoSet to On if a hatch is installed in the chargepoint. Note that this parameter is relevant only for CC1612.YesREnum(0) Off Def: Off
loglevelBothNoLevel for the logging system. For security reasons you may be asked to re-enter your credentials to download the log.NoR/WEnum(0) LOG_LEVEL_NONE (1) LOG_LEVEL_USER_ERR (2) LOG_LEVEL_USER_WARN (3) LOG_LEVEL_USER_INFO (4) LOG_LEVEL_ERR (5) LOG_LEVEL_WARN (6) LOG_LEVEL_INFO (7) LOG_LEVEL_DBG (8) LOG_LEVEL_VDBG (9) LOG_LEVEL_TRACE Def: LOG_LEVEL_DBG
GiroEAuthExclusiveGLSIndividualNoOnly accept RFID tags if authorized by the GLS backend. The AuthorizeRequest is not sent to the OCPP-backend but only to the GLS backend instead.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
PowerLineVoltageIndividualNoSingle phase RMS voltage of the power source feeding the ChargePoint in Volts. This is used for current calculation from power values from meter.YesR/Wuint[186..274] Def: 230
MainsFrequencyIndividualNoThe mains frequency.YesR/WEnum(50) 50 Hz (60) 60 Hz Def: 50 Hz
MasterSlaveModeNot relevantNo'Master' controller handles the backend connection and may start and stop transaction for its slave. 'Slave' controller connects to a master as its backend. Some other parameters are automatically adjusted when turning this on. IMPORTANT NOTE: supported is a setup with 1 master and 1 slave.YesREnum(0) Off (1) Master (2) Slave Def: Off
ChargingStationSingleFeedAvailToInstallerBothNoMakes the setting 'Charging Station single feed' available in the installer section of the Web Interface 2.0.NoREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
ChargingStationSingleFeedBothNoIn case this dual-connector Charging Station is connected to mains with a single cable only, please activate this setting.YesREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
OCPPSlaveStateMasterNoOCPP Slave(s) StateNoRStringDef: "1. Slave #1: UNKNOWN"
RFIDSlaveNot relevantNoTurn on if an individual RFID reader is installed for the slave controller. Note: this setting is only relevant for the master configuration. The slave must have it always set to Off.YesREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
FwUpdateForceMasterMasterNoIf 'On' the firmware update will be installed on master even if not all slaves could download it and their update failed. If 'Off' the firmware update will only be installed on master if all slaves have successfully downloaded it.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
LedTypeNot relevantNoType of LED device connected to the ChargePoint (if any).NoREnum(0) LED (default) (1) LED ring device (2) LED ring device with RFID always shown (3) LED ring with free charging (7) No LED Def: LED (default)
DualLedModeNot relevantNoBehavior for dual led boards. When set to 'On', the dual LED board shows for left and right LEDs independent states for master and slave. When set to 'Off' LEDs operate in clone mode: left and right LEDs show the same pattern and color, presenting the state of the main/master device.NoREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
DisplayTypeNot relevantNoType of display connected to the ChargePoint (if any).NoREnum(0) Display not configured (1) Display not in use (2) Bender LCD-Module DPM2x16FP Def: Display not configured
DisplayModeNot relevantNoControls the display mode. When set to 'Master/Slave', the display shows independent states for master and slave. When set to 'Main (Master)' the display only presents the state of the main/master device.NoREnum(0) Main (Master) (1) Master/Slave Def: Main (Master)
DisplayContentSelectorTimeNot relevantNoIf enabled the display shows charging time information.NoREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
DisplayContentSelectorEnergyNot relevantNoIf enabled the display shows charging energy information.NoREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
DisplayContentSelectorPowerNot relevantNoIf enabled the display shows charging power information.NoREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
PatternOnRelayK2Not relevantNoBehavior for the relay 2 (K2), to be used for an external indicator light such as an LED or blinking light. Use option 'On while vehicle connected' for integration with parking management system by Scheidt&Bachmann. To use two contactors in series that are to be controlled separately use option 'On while charging'.NoREnum(0) Disable (1) ON while charging (2) OFF while charging (3) ON while vehicle connected (S&B) (4) OFF while vehicle connected (5) Blink pattern 1 (6) ON while Inoperative (7) ON while Authorized (8) ON while Faulted Def: Disable
DisplayLanguageIndividualNoThe language of display texts on the LCD display, if available. Only has an effect if a LCD is configured.NoR/WEnum(0) English (1) Deutsch/German (2) Multi-Language EN-DE-FR-NL Def: Multi-Language EN-DE-FR-NL
EichrechtStateNot relevantNoEichrecht StateNoRStringDef: "System without Eichrecht"
EichrechtDaemonVersionNot relevantNoEichrecht Daemon VersionNoRStringDef: ""
EichrechtSystemVersionNot relevantNoEichrecht Subsystem VersionNoRStringDef: ""
EichrechtHashInfoNot relevantNoEichrecht Hash InfoNoRStringDef: "(req.: ?? / calc.: ??) NOK"
EichrechtPubKeyNot relevantNoEichrecht Public Key, encoded in base64 and needed to verify signatures generated when starting and ending charging sessionsNoRStringDef: ""
EichrechtMesskapselIdNot relevantNoEichrecht Capsule IdNoRStringDef: ""
EichrechtCableLossFactorNot relevantNoEichrecht Cableloss Factor in 1/1000. A value of 1000 means 'no loss'NoRStringDef: "??"
EichrechtMeterMakeNot relevantNoManufacturer of the meter used for Eichrecht.NoR/WStringDef: "N/A"
EichrechtMeterModelNot relevantNoModel of the meter used for Eichrecht.NoR/WStringDef: "N/A"
OCPPSchukoNot relevantNoUse auxiliary input/output to support additional Schuko SocketYesREnum(0) Disable (1) Enable Opto C6/5 (2) Enable Opto C8/7 Def: Disable
ResetSchukoPlugCounterToIndividualNoThe number of times the plug of the schuko socket was plugged in..NoR/Wuint[0..4294967295] Def: 0
SchukoPlugCounterNot relevantNoThe number of times the plug of the schuko socket was plugged in..NoRuint[0..0] Def: 0
ResetSchukoContactorCounterToIndividualNoThe number of times the contactor of the schuko socket was switching on and off.NoR/Wuint[0..4294967295] Def: 0
ContactorCyclesSchukoIndividualNoThe number of times the contactor of the schuko socket was switching on and off.NoRuint[0..0] Def: 0
SchukoFixedCurrentIndividualNoThe current in (A) signaled for schuko connector.YesR/Wuint[10..80] Def: 10
SocketSchukoStateIndividualNoState of Schuko socket at connector 1.NoRStringDef: "IDLE"
EOActuatorTypeNot relevantNoConfigure the connected actuator typeYesREnum(0) Mennekes Standard (2) Phoenix Def: Mennekes Standard
Type2ContactorLifetimeIndividualNoMaximum number of operating cycles the contactor should be allowed to perform until a replacement is necessary.YesRuint[0..100000000] Def: 10000000
Type2PlugLifetimeIndividualNoThe maximum number of times the plug of the type2 socket can be plugged in safely..YesRuint[0..10000000] Def: 50000
ResetType2PlugCounterToIndividualNoNumber of times the plug of the type2 socket was plugged in.NoR/Wuint[0..4294967295] Def: 0
Type2PlugCounterNot relevantNoNumber of times the plug of the type2 socket was plugged in.NoRStringDef: "0/50,000"
ResetType2ContactorCounterToIndividualNoThe number of times the contactor of the type 2 socket was switching on and of.NoR/Wuint[0..4294967295] Def: 0
ContactorCyclesType2IndividualNoThe number of times the contactor of the type 2 socket was switching on and of.NoRStringDef: "0/10,000,000"
ThresholdContactorCurrentUnderLoadIndividualNoSet threshold contactor current under load (in Amperes)YesR/Wuint[6..80] Def: 6
ResetCountforContactorCyclesUnderloadToIndividualNoThe number of times the contactor under loadwas switching on and off.NoR/Wuint[0..4294967295] Def: 1
CountContactorCyclesType2UnderLoadIndividualNoThe number of times the contactor under load was switching on and off.NoRStringDef: "1/20"
CableAttachedNot relevantNoSetting this to on indicates that the charger has a fixed cable attached and does NOT need to lock a cable in a socket. ATTENTION: This is safety relevant!YesREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
RedetectActuatorIndividualNoSet this value to 'On' if you want to request a redetection of the connected type 2 socket locking actuator upon the next boot.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
CPDiodeDetectionIndividualNoSet this value to 'On' if you want to check before charging if the diode connected to the control pilot line is connected or not.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
LockIfAuthorizedBothNoIf 'On' is selected the socket type 2 actuator is locked only after successful authorization, otherwise already on plug-in.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
LockPermanentlyIndividualNoIf 'On' is selected the type 2 socket locking mechanism stays locked permanently once a charging cable is inserted.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
PauseChargingStateDBothNoIf set to On, charging transactions are paused in case State D is detected. While state D is detected an error is reported to the user.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
CPLineNot relevantNoOpen or Close Control Pilot line. On will close the line. Off opens the line. In 1522 Off will close and On opensNoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
AdcCpCalibrationCfgIndividualNoThis parameter allows to enable the ADC calibration for the control pilot line´s states detection. Once calibrated, it is possible to trigger a re-calibration. Note that changes of this parameter require a reboot to take effect.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On (2) Recalibrate Def: Off
CheckCarOverCurrentStopLimitIndividualNoWhen the charging current reported by the OCPP meter exceeds the signaled current by this percentage, charging will be stopped.YesR/Wuint[10..100] Def: 30
SocketType2StateIndividualNoState of TYPE2 socket at connector 1.NoRStringDef: "(A) Vehicle not connected PR: NO CABLE Plug not locked AMCC:..."
SignaledCurrentLimitIndividualNoCurrent (in Ampere) that is signaled to the vehicle via PWM.NoRStringDef: "0 A"
HardwareCurrentLimitIndividualNoMaximum current (in Amperes) the ChargePoint hardware can supportYesRint[0..80] Def: 16
OperatorCurrentLimitIndividualNoMaximum current (in Amperes) that can be signaled to the vehicle for charging. If the parameter 'Installation Current Limit' exists, the 'Operator Current Limit' must be below or equal to the 'Installation Current Limit'. Otherwise, it must be below or equal to the 'Maximum Current'. It can be freely configured, even while charging. This parameter can be changed by the backend for energy managementNoR/Wint[0..80] Def: 16
FreeChargingBothNoAllows charging without authorization via RFID or the backend. Charging is started immediately after a vehicle is connected.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
CheckCarOverCurrentBothNoIf set to On the current consumed by the vehicle will be checked against the signaled current. If the overload is above 10% the signaled current will be decreased by 10%. If the overload is above the configured percentage limit the charging will be stopped.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
RandomRestartAfterPowerLossBothNoIf this feature is enabled, the restart of charging will be randomized after a power loss. In case of many chargepoints connected to the same power line, this feature avoids a high peak of energy consumption in short period of time, which can result in another blackout.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
PDL_PowerMasterNoPDL PowerNoR/WStringDef: ""
EnergyManInputPowerLimitCfgIndividualNoEnables energy Management from external inputYesR/WEnum(0) Disable (1) Enable Opto C6/5 (2) Enable Opto C8/7 Def: Disable
ChargingScheduleAllowedChargingRateUnitMasterYesList of supported quantities for use in a ChargingSchedule.NoRStringDef: "Current"
PhasesConnectedIndividualNoShows how the number of phases connected to the ChargePoint is configured.NoRStringDef: "Three-phase system"
PowerBoardIndividualNoSelect the installed power boardYesREnum(0) None (1) AHM1B01108 Def: None
ASKIoverOCPPAllowedIPBothNoConfigure a single IP address here that will be allowed to access the 'ASKI over OCPP-S' service. An empty field will allow no access!YesR/WStringDef: ""
ConnectorPhaseRotationIndividualNoPhase rotation of the ChargePoint with respect to the grid connection.YesR/WEnum(0) RST (L1/L2/L3, Standard Reference Phasing) (1) STR (L2/L3/L1, Standard 120 degree rotation) (2) TRS (L3/L1/L2, Standard 240 degree rotation) Def: RST (L1/L2/L3, Standard Reference Phasing)
ConnectorPhaseRotationITIndividualNoPhase rotation of the ChargePoint with respect to the IT grid connection.YesR/WEnum(0) L1-L2 (1) L2-L3 (2) L3-L1 Def: L1-L2
ConnectorSwitch3to1PhaseSupportedMasterYesIf set the ChargePoint supports switching between 3 and 1 phases during a charging session.YesR[0..1] Def: Off
SmartChargingUseDisconnectedLimitIndividualYesIf enabled and the ChargePoint gets disconnected from the Backend, the 'Disconnected Upper Limit [A] for SmartCharging' will be applied despite the limitations set in stored charging profiles.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
GhostCurrentFilteringIndividualNoCustomer specific wiring of a chargepoint might lead to false meter readings of the internal meter. The internal meter might read current on phases although there is none. Enable this to suppress those false readings.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
ASKIoverOCPPMasterNoEnable or disable support for receiving OCPP 1.5 SOAP 'Change Configuration Requests' for the LaMa parameter 'LaMa_ConnectionRate'. The SOAP server will listen on TCP port 13000 for connector 1. 'LaMa_ConnectionRate' can be changed in 10th of Amps.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
EnergyManInputPowerCurrentLimIndividualNoSingle phase RMS current limit (in A) for energy management from external input. Range: from 6A to 80 A. Set to 0A to pause charging.YesR/Wuint[0..80] Def: 16
LaMa_ConnectionRateIndividualNoSecret key for Mennekes EnergyManager InputNoR/Wuint[0..100000] Def: 16
ConnectorPhaseRotationMaxLengthIndividualYesMaximum number of items in a ConnectorPhaseRotation Configuration Key.NoRuint[0..0] Def: 3
ChargeProfileMaxStackLevelMasterYesMax StackLevel of a ChargingProfile.NoRuint[0..0] Def: 255
ChargingScheduleMaxPeriodsMasterNoMaximum number of periods that may be defined per ChargingSchedule.NoRuint[0..0] Def: 255
MaxChargingProfilesInstalledMasterYesMaximum number of Charging profiles installed at a time.NoRuint[0..0] Def: 255
SmartChargingDisconnectedLimitIndividualNoDisconnected Upper Limit applied to SmartCharging in case the ChargePoint is disconnected from the backend.YesR/Wuint[0..999] Def: 16
ChargingStationHWCurrentLimitMasterNoMaximum overall current (in Amperes) the Charging Station hardware can supportYesRuint[0..160] Def: 32
DataTransferTariffUsageBothNoEnables the DataTransfer messages that allow to show Tariff and Total Usage Information. Beware this feature only works with backend systems that support it. If the backend system does not support it, this will prevent all authorizations from being successful.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
ResetMeterValueS0BothNoReset meter values after stop transaction to 0. This mode is recommended for S0 or internal meters, as it provides consistent meter values for each transaction. If not enabled the meter values are reset to 0 upon every reboot of the system.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
AuthorizeRemoteTxRequestsBothNoThis parameter determines whether a remote request to start a transaction in the form of a RemoteStartTransaction.req message should be authorized beforehand like a local action to start a transaction. Some backends require this as OCPP specification is not clear about this. Other backends are not working if this is parameter is enabled.YesR/W[0..1] Def: On
AllowOfflineTxForUnknownIdBothNoThis parameter determines whether a client is allowed to charge in case its authorization cannot be processed because the backend is offline or not reachable. If set to ON, the client is allowed to charge even if it cannot get authenticated from the ocpp whitelist nor from local whitelist. If set to ImmediatelyWhenPlugged, then charging will be allowed in case ChargePoint is offline by just plugging the car and without RFID authorization. If 'Connection Type' is 'No Backend' then this parameter is ignored.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On (2) ImmediatelyWhenPlugged Def: Off
InfoStatusNotificationsBothNoThis parameter determines whether OCPP status notifications that are meant just for informative purposes (such as a temperature report) should be sent to the backend system or not.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
ErrorStatusNotificationsBothNoThis parameter determines whether OCPP status notifications that are meant to report and error (such as when the plug locking system is broken) should be sent to the backend system or not.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
UsbErrorStatusNotificationsIndividualNoThis parameter determines whether USB communication errors between master and slave are reported to backend.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
StatusNotificationStrategyBothNoThis parameter determines on which conditions the ChargePoint changes into the OCCUPIED state. In 'Occupied on Charging' occupied is signaled only when authorization is there and a cable is plugged in. In 'Occupied on 'Authorized/Plugged' the state changes to occupied already when the charger is authorized with nothing connected or when a cable/vehicle is connected but no authorization has taken place yet.YesR/WEnum(0) Occupied on Authorized/Plugged (1) Occupied on Charging Def: Occupied on Charging
DisplayDisconnectAsErrorMasterNoParameter that determines whether an error is signaled to the user when the backend connection is interrupted.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
SignedMeterValuesFormatBothNoThe format of signed meter values. SML binary blobs are encoded with BASE64.YesR/WEnum(0) XML (1) Full SML (2) Short SML Def: XML
HTBSendMeterPublicKeyBothNoSet whether to send the meter's public key to backend. If ON, the meter's public key gets embedded into a proprietary DataTransfer message as defined by HTB which is sent to the backend after each BootNotification.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
GlsRouteThroughBackendBothNoDefine whether GLS requests should be performed directly to the GLS bank or whether these should be routed via the standard OCPP backend using DataTransfer messages.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
GLSOCPPMessagingModeBothNoDefine which OCPP messages are send to the OCPP backend when a transaction is started using a GiroCard. 'Full' means that normal OCPP messaging is performed (but responses to Start/Stop transaction are ignored). If 'No Start/Stop' is selected, StartTransaction and StopTransaction messages are not send to the backend.NoR/WEnum(0) Full (1) No Start/Stop Def: Full
AuthorizationCacheEnabledMasterNoEnables the use of the internal whitelist for storing RFID UID from the OCPP backend. If disabled, RFIDs even if reported from the backend with an expiry date are not added to an internal cache.NoR/W[0..1] Def: On
idTagLetterCaseBothNoParameter that makes the RFID tag management configurable to upper or lower case.YesR/WEnum(0) Lower Case (1) Upper Case (2) Lower Case Reversed Byte Order (3) Upper Case Reversed Byte Order Def: Lower Case
StopTransactionOnEVSideDisconnectBothYesWhen set to 'On' the Charge Point will stop a transaction when the cable is unplugged from the EV.NoR[0..1] Def: On
UnlockConnectorOnEVSideDisconnectBothNoWhen set to 'On' the Charge Point will unlock the cable on Charge Point side when the cable is unplugged at the EV.NoR[0..1] Def: On
ReserveConnectorZeroSupportedMasterNoIf set to 'On' the ChargePoint supports reservations on connector 0.NoR[0..1] Def: Off
FreeChargingModeBothNoSets the OCPP behavior in free charging mode. Note that in case of a master/slave scenario the slave will be automatically configured to the same mode as used for the master.YesR/WEnum(0) No OCPP (1) With OCPP status notif without auth (2) With OCPP status notif with auth (3) With OCPP Full fixed RFID with auth (4) With OCPP Full fixed RFID without auth (5) With OCPP Full any RFID Def: No OCPP
AllowLongOcppGetConfKeysBothNoAllows OCPP keys in get configuration command to be longer than 500 characters.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
OcppGetConfBoolIsIntBothNoIf activated, boolean OCPP keys are returned as integer values '0' or '1' in command 'GetConfiguration'. This is for compatibility. If not activated, boolean OCPP keys are returned as boolean values 'false' or 'true' in command 'GetConfiguration' according to the OCPP standard. The command 'ChangeConfiguration' accepts both types simultaneously.NoR/W[0..1] Def: On
StopTransactionOnInvalidIdIndividualYesDetermines if the ChargePoint will stop an ongoing transaction when it receives a non-Accepted authorization status in a StartTransaction response.NoR/W[0..1] Def: On
AuthorizeRecentlyConnectedOnly_ocppBothNoAuthorization considering the last vehicle or cable change. If set to 'Off' the authorization is done according to the actual cable or vehicle state. If set to 'On', the authorization is done considering the time when the cable or vehicle was plugged. If the cable or vehicle was connected more than 2 minutes before, the connector with the most recent cable/vehicle state change is authorized. In case of master-slave configuration this parameter has to be set in both master and slave.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
ChargeBoxIdentityIndividualNoID that is sent to the backend and used by the backend to identify the ChargePoint.YesR/WStringDef: "+49*839*00000000001"
EvseIdentityIndividualNoThe 'EVSE Identity' can be used to differentiate a technical ID in the backend from the ID that is presented to the user. If set, the 'EVSE Identity' will be used for ISO 15118 certificate signing requests. When left empty, the ISO 15118 name of the EVSE will be derived from the 'ChargeBoxIdentity'.YesR/WStringDef: ""
FirmwareVersionIndividualNoFirmware version running on the ChargePoint.NoRStringDef: "5.31.0-17351 (debug)"
RCMBVersionIndividualNoVersion of the RCMB module connected to the ChargePoint.NoRStringDef: ""
SupportedFeatureProfilesMasterYesList of supported Feature Profiles. Possible profile identifiers: Core, FirmwareManagement, LocalAuthListManagement, Reservation, SmartCharging and RemoteTrigger.NoRStringDef: "Core,FirmwareManagement,LocalAuthListManagement,Reservation,SmartChar..."
RfidTagFreeChargingIndividualNoRFID Tag for Free Charging with OCPP Full, fixed RFID modes. Note this RFID Tag is also used when 'If in doubt allow charging' is 'ImmediatelyWhenPlugged'YesR/WStringDef: "freecharging"
BackendConnectionTimeoutMasterNoThe time in seconds that is used for establishing an APN connection, establishing a Proxy or establishing a backend connection before a timeout will be recognized. Also determines the time period that is waited for answers from the backend for OCPP requests. Only reduce this value to a smaller value if you can assure a stable network connection. Increase the value to a larger value in case of bad network coverage. Increasing the value will result in longer user interaction delays.YesR/Wuint[3..300] Def: 60
ConnectionTimeOutBothNoInterval (from successful authorization) until incipient charging session is automatically canceled due to failure of the EV user to correctly insert the charging cable connector(s) into the appropriate connector(s).YesR/Wuint[4..300] Def: 45
NumberOfConnectorsMasterYesNumber of physical charging connectors of this Charge Point.NoRuint[0..0] Def: 1
GetConfigurationMaxKeysMasterNoMaximum number of requested configuration keys in a GetConfiguration.req PDU.NoRuint[0..0] Def: 296
TransactionMessageAttemptsIndividualYesSets how often the ChargePoint tries to submit a transaction-related message when the backend fails to process it. 0 means infinite attempts.YesR/Wuint[0..5] Def: 5
EichrechtTransactionMessageAttemptsIndividualNoSets how often the ChargePoint tries to submit an Eichrecht transaction-related message when the backend fails to process it. 0 means infinite attempts. -1 means that the value of the OCPP-key "TransactionMessageAttempts" should be used.YesR/Wint[-1..5] Def: 0
TransactionMessageRetryIntervalIndividualNoSets how long the ChargePoint will wait before resubmitting a transaction-related message that the backend failed to process.YesR/Wuint[0..1000] Def: 0
ResetRetriesIndividualNoNumber of times to retry an unsuccessful reset of the ChargePoint.YesR/Wuint[0..100] Def: 100
OcppQueueFullAsErrorStateBothNoWhen set, a full OCPP message queue will cause an error state. Charging will be terminated.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
LocalPreAuthorizeMasterNoSets if the Charge Point, when online, will start transactions for locally authorized identifiers without requesting an Authorize.conf from the Central System.NoR/W[0..1] Def: On
LocalAuthorizeOfflineMasterNoSets if the Charge Point, when offline, will start transactions for locally authorized identifiers.NoR/W[0..1] Def: On
RetransmitMeterValuesBothNoIf enabled, MeterValue messages are retransmitted on errors.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
UPnPUUIDIndividualNoThe UPnP UUID that this ChargePoint uses when announcing its presence on the local network. Only used if connected to a local network.YesRStringDef: "12b3074f-5f49-4368-b4d7-fe2ae0663b1c"
HeartbeatIntervalMasterNoThe interval in seconds with which OCPP heartbeat messages are sent to the backend system. Modifying this parameter may upset the backend system (OCPP 1.6).NoR/Wint[10..86400] Def: 240
StopTransactionModeUnplugBothNoThis allows to modify the behavior of the charger at the end of a transaction. Normal unlocks and stops the transaction, when the plug is removed from the vehicle or the RFID used for authorization is used again. Stop after unplugging causes a transaction to be fully stopped only when the cable is pulled from the socket of the charging station. Only by RFID/Remote Stop only unlocks if RFID or a backend message is used for stopping the transaction. Pulling the cable out of the car will not end the transaction.YesR/WEnum(0) Normal (1) Stop only by unplugging (2) Unlock only by RFID/RemoteStop (3) Normal + Mode D Def: Normal
USBFieldEngineerBothNoAllow getting diagnostics and configuration of the ChargePoint via USB stick.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
USBConfigUpdateBothNoAllow update of the charge point configuration via USB stick.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
USBFirmwareUpdateBothNoAllow update of the charge point firmware via USB stick.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
LocalAuthListEnabledMasterNoSelects if the Local Authorization List is enabledNoR/W[0..1] Def: Off
LocalAuthListMaxLengthMasterYesMaximum number of identifications that can be stored in the Local Authorization ListNoRuint[0..1000000] Def: 1000000
SendLocalListMaxLengthMasterYesMaximum number of identifications that can be send in a single SendLocalList.reqNoR/Wuint[0..45000] Def: 45000
fllMasterNoLocal whitelist of RFIDs independent of a backend connection.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
fllUseOcppStartStopBothNoSend OCPP Start/Stop transaction for authorizations from the local white list.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
ConnectionTypeMasterNoThe type of data connection used to connect to the backend system. Choose 'No Backend' to disable backend communication completely. While using GSM the wallbox can be connected to LAN/WLAN at the same time.YesR/WEnum(0) No Backend (2) Ethernet (3) USB (4) WLAN Def: No Backend
DataConsumptionMasterNoData Consumption (in bytes) for the running month.NoR/Wuint[0..9223372036854775807] Def: 0
DataConsumptionLastMonthMasterNoData Consumption (in bytes) for the previous month.NoR/Wuint[0..9223372036854775807] Def: 0
InterfacesListMasterNoList of interfaces and their IPsNoRStringDef: "eth0: [02:42:AC:13:00:03] IP: (ocpp)"
APNMasterNoAccess Point Name of the mobile network to be used when establishing connections to the backend system via the built-in modem.YesR/WStringDef: ""
ModemNetworkSelModeMasterNoIn Automatic mode the modem chooses the operator. In manual mode the operator specified in requested operator name is used. In Manual/Auto, if manual selection fails, automatic mode is used.YesR/WEnum(0) Auto (1) Manual (2) Manual/Auto Def: Auto
ModemNetworkTypeMasterNoThe technology to be used to access the network 2G (GSM), 3G (UTRAN) or 4G (LTE). In auto mode the modem will choose the technology.YesR/WEnum(0) Auto (1) 2G (2) 3G (3) 4G Def: Auto
ModemNetworkOperFmtMasterNoIndicates if the operator name format is alphanumeric or numeric. Long alphanumeric format can be up to 16 characters and short format up to 8 characters (refer to GSM MoU SE.13).YesR/WEnum(0) Alphanumeric Long (1) Alphanumeric Short (2) Numeric Def: Alphanumeric Short
ScanNetworkOperatorsMasterNoDetermines whether a search for available network operators is carried out upon boot. Set the 'Scan network operators at boot' parameter to 'On', then click on 'Save & Restart'. After boot the state page will show all the available operator names. The value is automatically set to 'Off' again after boot.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
APNUsernameMasterNoUsername to be used for authenticating with the Access Point of the mobile network for connecting with the backend system.YesR/WStringDef: ""
APNPasswordMasterNoPassword to be used for authenticating with the Access Point of the mobile network for connecting with the backend system.YesR/WStringDef: ""
Req3GNetworkOperatorMasterNoThe name of the network operator to be used in manual 'Network selection mode'.YesR/WStringDef: ""
SIMPINMasterNoPIN number that should be used to unlock the SIM card. This number is only used if the SIM card requires a PIN number.YesR/WStringDef: ""
LASTWRONGSIMPINMasterNoThe wrong PIN number that was used last time.YesR/WStringDef: ""
GSMPPPMTUMasterNoMaximum transmission unit size for GSM connections (in bytes)(valid value range: 68 - 1492).YesR/WStringDef: ""
ModemNetworkStateMasterNoThe current network registration mode of the modem which informs about the technology (2G, 3G, 4G) and about the registration (home network, roaming...)NoREnum(0) Disable (1) Enable (2) Enable with location (3) Not Available Def: Not Available
OperatorSelectionModeMasterNoOperator Selection Mode, Auto or Manual...NoREnum(0) Automatic (1) Manual (2) Deregister from network (3) Set Only (4) Manual/Automatic (5) Not Available Def: Not Available
GSMStateMasterNoRegistration state to the mobile network.NoREnum(0) Not Registered and Not Searching (1) Registered at Home Network (2) Not Registered and Searching (3) Registration Denied (4) Unknown (5) Registered (Roaming) (6) Not Available Def: Not Available
IMSIMasterNoInternational Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI), a value associated with the SIM card inserted into the built-in modem. If this number is properly read the SIM card is inserted correctly and can be read by the built-in modem.NoRStringDef: ""
IMEIMasterNoInternational Mobile Equipment Identification (IMEI). A number associated with the hardware of the built-in modem. If this number is present this device has a built-in modem and can properly communicate with the modem.NoRStringDef: ""
ICCIDMasterNoIntegrated Circuit Card Identifier (ICCID) of the SIM card inserted into the built-in modem.NoRStringDef: ""
LAIMasterNoLocation Area Identity (LAI), composed of Mobile Country Code (MCC), Mobile Network Code (MNC) and Location Area Code (LAC).NoRStringDef: ""
Used3GNetworkOperatorMasterNoName of the network operator the built-in modem is currently connected to.NoRStringDef: ""
AvailableNetworksMasterNoList of network operators that are available and visible using the currently selected antenna. This value is only properly filled if requested via the 'Scan network operators at boot' configuration parameter.NoRStringDef: ""
MODEMNETSTATEMasterNoShow at which state in the connection sequence the modem is currently operating. Show OK when connected. Additionally, APN session duration and traffic are shown.NoRStringDef: "Not installed"
ModemInfoMasterNoShows the modem manufacturer, model and firmware revision.NoRStringDef: "Not available"
ModemAccessTechnologyMasterNoShows which access technology (2G, 3G, 4G) the modem is currently using.NoRStringDef: "Not Available"
ModemLastConnErrorMasterNoReason for the last modem APN connection failureNoRStringDef: "Not Available"
RSSIMasterNoReceived Signal Strength Indicator as reported by the modem. This parameter is an indication how well the built-in modem can receive signals from the base station.NoRStringDef: "0 (Extremely low)"
MCCMasterNoMobile Country Code as determined from the SIM card. This tells you which country your SIM card comes from.NoRuint[0..0] Def: 4294967295
MNCMasterNoMobile Network Code as determined from the SIM card. This tells you which mobile network operator your SIM card comes from.NoRuint[0..0] Def: 4294967295
LACMasterNoLocation Area Code as reported by the built-in modem, this value can be used to determine the location of the ChargePoint.NoRuint[0..0] Def: 4294967295
CellIDMasterNoCell ID as reported by the built-in modem, this value can be used to determine the finer location of the ChargePoint.NoRuint[0..0] Def: 4294967295
GSMStateInfoMasterNoStatus of the GSM connection such as APN name, network type (LTE, EDGE), frequency/band (e.g. band 7, band 20), signal strength (RSSI) and signal quality (SINR).NoRStringDef: "Unknown APN (Not Available \
NetworkConfigModeMasterNoMode for ethernet configuration to be used for the ChargePoint. 'Auto' uses DHCP to configure the ChargePoint's ethernet connection; 'Static' uses the addresses as filled in static network configuration IP; 'DHCP server' assigns a predefined DHCP configuration to other DHCP clients in the same network (range]; netmask; gateway; DNS The DHCP server's own IP is Any static network configuration is ignored in case of DHCP server mode. Please consider to switch the 'WAN router' on if the DHCP server is enabled.YesR/WEnum(0) Auto (DHCP client) (1) Static (2) DHCP server Def: Auto (DHCP client)
StaticNetworkConfigAddressMasterNoStatic LAN IP of the ChargePoint.YesR/WStringDef: ""
StaticNetworkConfigNetmaskMasterNoNetmask to use for the LAN of the ChargePoint.YesR/WStringDef: ""
StaticNetworkConfigDNSMasterNoDNS server to use for the LAN of the ChargePoint.YesR/WStringDef: ""
SSLModeClientMasterNoAllows to set how strict SSL authentication is, from no authentication (encryption only) to full authentication.YesR/WEnum(0) Normal SSL Auth (1) Allow expired certificate (2) Skip host check (3) Allow expired certificate and skip host check (4) Encrypt only - No authentication Def: Encrypt only - No authentication
WANRouterMasterNoEnables access from LAN interfaces (Ethernet/WLAN/USB) to WAN (GSM) interface. This will also enable the DNS forwarder.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
OCPPModeMasterNoThis parameter determines whether backend communication is done using the standard OCPP SOAP/JSON variant or the proprietary Binary OCPP variant of Ebee Smart Technologies. The Binary OCPP variant is working across NAT networks and therefore does not require a private APN for remote messages to arrive at the charge point. Also Binary OCPP uses much less data (factor 20 to 50) than standard OCPP. Binary OCPP however requires a Binary OCPP proxy on the backend side.YesR/WEnum(0) OCPP-J 1.6 (1) OCPP-J 2.0 (2) OCPP-B 1.5 (3) OCPP-B 1.6 Def: OCPP-J 1.6
ConnSettingsFallbackIndividualNoRestores last good connection settings when failed to reconnect to the backend after a reboot.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
HostnameBinaryOCPPMasterNoThe DNS hostname or IP address of the binary ocpp proxy server for the backend system. This parameter is only used if Binary OCPP is selected for the TCP/IP mode.YesR/WStringDef: "be.elinc.de"
OCPPBackendJSONURLMasterNoThe WS/WSS URL of the OCPP backend system. This URL must be the WS/JSON endpoint and begin with "ws://" or "wss://". This parameter is only used if OCPP-J 1.6 or OCPP-J 2.0 mode is used. The ChargePoint's ID gets automatically appended when connecting to the backend.YesR/WStringDef: "ws://be.elinc.de:8080/OCPPJProxyQA/v16/"
WebsocketsProxyURLMasterNoSpecify the websockets proxy to connect to in the format HOST:PORT, whereby PORT is optional and set to 80 when not specified.YesR/WStringDef: ""
HTTPBasicAuthPasswordMasterNoThe password to be used for HTTP Basic Authorization. If left empty, HTTP Basic Authorization is not used.YesR/WStringDef: ""
OcppCertificateMasterNoCertificate used for SSL connections to the backend.NoR/WStringDef: ""
15118EvseCertificateAndChainIndividualNoCertificate used for SSL connections via 15118.NoR/WStringDef: ""
OcppCSRMasterNoCertificate signing request (for OCPP) in PEM format that corresponds to the private key this charge point generated upon provisioning.NoRStringDef: ""
15118CSRIndividualNoCertificate signing request (for 15118) in PEM format that corresponds to the private key this charge point generated upon provisioning.NoRStringDef: ""
OcppUserCaCertificateMasterNoUser CA Certificate (OCPP).NoR/WStringDef: ""
NetworkConfigHostnameMasterNoNetwork hostname used for DHCP and mDNS.YesR/WStringDef: ""
StaticNetworkConfigGatewayMasterNoGateway to use for the LAN of the ChargePoint.YesR/WStringDef: ""
PortBinaryOCPPMasterNoTCP port of the proxy server for binary OCPP communication with the backend.YesR/Wuint[1..65535] Def: 444
RegenerateOcppCertAndKeyMasterNoTrigger Regeneration of Private Key and Self Signed Certificate for OCPP.NoR/WStringDef: ""
Regenerate15118CertAndKeyBothNoTrigger Regeneration of Private Key and Self Signed Certificate for 15118.NoR/WStringDef: ""
TcpWatchdogTimeoutIndividualNoThis is the time in seconds in which the connection to the backend can be not working until the system reboots. Set it to 0 to disable rebooting.YesR/Wuint[0..100000] Def: 10800
NetworkConfigDHCPRetriesMasterNoDHCP request number of retries before giving up.YesR/Wuint[0..100000] Def: 10
NetworkConfigDHCPTimeoutMasterNoDHCP request timeout in seconds.YesR/Wuint[0..100000] Def: 10
NetworkConfigDHCPDelayMasterNoDHCP request delay between multiple requests in seconds.YesR/Wuint[0..100000] Def: 10
WebSocketPingIntervalMasterNoWebSockets keep-alive interval in seconds or 0 when unused. Using keep-alive on WebSockets layer is especially useful when using a NAT router between ChargePoint and backend. The ping-pong being sent prevents the NAT router from closing the websockets connection.NoR/Wuint[0..100000] Def: 0
OcppConStrictTlsMasterNoIf 'All ciphers' is selected, all recent TLS versions will be accepted. For 'Only secure ciphers' any OCPP connection will be forced to connect only via TLS 1.2 or higher and secure ciphers. Lower versions or weak ciphers will be refused. This is the most secure option currently.YesR/WEnum(0) All ciphers (1) Only secure ciphers Def: All ciphers
WLANSSIDMasterNoSSID of the WLAN the ChargePoint tries to connect to.NoR/WStringDef: ""
WLANPasswordMasterNoPassword of the WLAN the ChargePoint connects to. The Chargepoint automatically chooses the correct encryption method of the WLAN.NoR/WStringDef: ""
WLANStaticNetworkConfigAddressMasterNoStatic WLAN IP of the ChargePoint.YesR/WStringDef: ""
WLANStaticNetworkConfigNetmaskMasterNoNetmask to use for the WLAN of the ChargePoint.YesR/WStringDef: ""
WLANStaticNetworkConfigGatewayMasterNoGateway to use for the WLAN of the ChargePoint.YesR/WStringDef: ""
WLANStaticNetworkConfigDNSMasterNoDNS server to use for the WLAN of the ChargePoint.YesR/WStringDef: ""
WLANEnabledMasterNoEnable or disable WLAN.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
WLANNetworkConfigModeMasterNoNetwork configuration mode for the ChargePoint's WLAN connection. Set to 'Auto' to use DHCP to configure the WLAN network connection automatically. Use 'Static' to use a static IP addressto be configured below (as well as a netmask,gateway and DNS server).YesR/WEnum(0) Auto (DHCP client) (1) Static Def: Auto (DHCP client)
WLANNetworkConfigDHCPRetriesMasterNoNumber of DHCP requests sent before giving up on the DHCP server.NoR/Wuint[0..100000] Def: 10
WLANNetworkConfigDHCPTimeoutMasterNoDHCP request timeout in seconds.NoR/Wuint[0..100000] Def: 10
WLANNetworkConfigDHCPDelayMasterNoDHCP request delay (in seconds) between multiple requests .NoR/Wuint[0..100000] Def: 10
WiFiHotspotSSIDMasterNoSSID of the ChargePoint's hotspot.YesR/WStringDef: "CC612_2S0R"
WiFiHotspotPasswordMasterNoPassword of the ChargePoint's hotspot. Please note: with encryption mode 'WPA2-PSK (CCMP)' the password must be at least 8 characters long.YesR/WStringDef: ""
WiFiHotspotSubnetMasterNoSubnet to use for the hotspot of the ChargePoint.YesR/WStringDef: ""
WiFiHotspotNetmaskMasterNoNetmask to use for the ChargePoint's hotspot.YesR/WStringDef: ""
WiFiHotspotEnabledMasterNoEnable this if the ChargePoint is to act as a hotspot for WLAN clients. This can be limited for 30 min. after boot after power loss.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On (2) On for 30 min. Def: Off
WiFiHotspotEncryptionMasterNoType of encryption the ChargePoint hotspot used.YesR/WEnum(0) None (1) WPA2-PSK (CCMP) Def: WPA2-PSK (CCMP)
WiFiHotspotDHCPDEnableMasterNoEnable this if the ChargePoint should manage network connection of WLAN clients connected to it.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
TcpdumpInterfaceIndividualNoThe type of interface we want to dump packet data into file. Choose 'Any' to listen on any network interface.NoR/WEnum(1) Backend Host (0) Any (2) Ethernet (4) USB (5) WLAN Def: Any
TcpdumpIndividualNoSwitch 'tcpdump' On or Off for dumping packet data at configured interface into log file /home/charge/diagnostics/packets.pcap0. Note: 'tcpdump' will log at max. 20 MB data and switches Off by itself. Log data file could be retrieved via 'Download Log Files' function. A running 'tcpdump' will be stopped before.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
Config15118BothNoHigh Level (15118 protocol) Power Line Communication configuration. If set to 'Off' 15118 communication is disabled. If set to 'On (With PlugNCharge)' 15118 communication is enabled and plug and charge is supported.If set to 'On (No PlugNCharge)' 15118 communication is enabled but plug and charge is not supported.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On (With PlugNCharge) (2) On (No PlugNCharge) Def: Off
SeccCertExpireDate15118IndividualNoSupply Equipment Charge Controller Certificate expiry date. This is the expiry date of the certificate for the secure TLS communication with the car via power line communication (15118 protocol).NoRStringDef: "Not Available"
Log15118BothNoEnable the creation of the '15118_log.csv' file with the input and output exi stream messages.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
Ocpp16Extension15118BothNoOCPP 1.6 extension for 15118 certificate installationYesR/WEnum(0) Ebee (1) HTB (2) CharIN (3) Open Charge Alliance Def: Open Charge Alliance
MACEVCCIDPrefixBothNoThis prefix will be inserted in the EV's MAC address when used as authorization ID against the backend or local whitelist for autocharge.YesR/WStringDef: ""
autochargeidBothNoThis ID will be used for authorization in case the EV failed to communicate with the EVSE or does not support autocharge.YesR/WStringDef: "autochargeid"
AutochargeBothNoAutocharge is an experimental and non-standard feature. Some vehicles may not work or show a charging error. The feature is improved continuously both on EVSE and EV side. Check if software updates are available to make use of improvements. If set to 'On (Fixed ID)' an autorization request will be done for the configured autocharge fixed ID in case the EV failed to communicate with the EVSE or does not support autocharge.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On (2) On (Fixed ID) Def: Off
TimeToFullSoCIndividualNoEstimated or calculated time until full charge (100% SOC) is complete.NoRStringDef: "Not Available"
15118TariffsIndividualNoTariffs to report to EV via 15118.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) D.3.3 Time Of Use (2) D.3.5 Consumption based (3) D.3.7 Time Of Use (4) Example 1 Def: Off
DepartureTimeIndividualNoUsed to indicate when the vehicle intends to finish the charging process.NoRStringDef: "Not Available"
EAmountIndividualNoAmount of energy reflecting the EV's estimate of how much energy is needed to fulfill the user configured charging goal for the current charging session. This might include energy for other purposes than solely charging the HV battery of an EV.NoRStringDef: "Not Available"
EVSEMaxCurIndividualNoValue sent to the EV on Charging Status messages during the charging loop.NoRStringDef: "Not Available"
V2GEvseCertConfigBothNoThis option allows to specify the fields of a subject name to be used for the generation of the Leaf certificate's CSR and therefore for the corresponding signed certificate.YesR/WStringDef: ""
CentralContractValidationAllowedBothNoIf this variable is true, then the contract certificate and chain will be sent to the server for validation and authorization. Otherwise, the certificate will be validated by the Charge Point and only the certificate's OCSP information will be sent to the server.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
ContractValidationOfflineBothNoIf this variable is true, then the Charge Point will try to validate a contract certificate when it is offline.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
ISO15118PnCEnabledBothNoIf this variable set to true, then the Charge Point supports ISO 15118 plug and charge messages via the DataTransfer mechanism as described in the OCA OCPP 1.6 extension document.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
15118CheckOCSPCertStatusBothNoEnable the verification of OCSP certificate status for the EVSE Leaf certificate (TLS).YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
VWV2GExtBothNoEnables VW Value added services for 15118YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
P15118ConStrictTlsMasterNoIf 'Standard' is selected, any 15118 connection will be forced to connect only via TLS 1.2 or higher and secure ciphers according standard. Lower versions or weak ciphers will be refused. This is the most secure option currently. For 'All ciphers' all recent TLS versions and ciphers will be accepted. This should be used only to solve compatibility issues.YesR/WEnum(0) All ciphers (1) Standard Def: Standard
RCDTESTIndividualNoRCD TestNoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
RCDRESETIndividualNoRCD ResetNoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
RCDAUTORECLOSUREBothNoAllows to enable the automatic reclosure of the RCD. The auxiliary relay output (on CC612: C3/4, on ICC1324: 23/24) or a dedicated output on ICC1612 is used.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
RCDENABLEBothNoAllows to enable RCD detection. It must be Off when there is no RCD connected to the controller. If there is an opto input, it could be used (e. g. C6/5 on CC612). On ICC1324 a lost communication with primary meter because of its power loss could be used.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) Opto input Def: Off
RCDRETRIPENABLEBothNoAllows to enable RCD retrip. In case there is a motor installed that will reclousures RCD independently, we trip RCD again as long as EV or cable is connected. (acc. IEC61851-3)YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
MCBENABLEBothNoAllows to enable MCB detection. It must be 'Off' when there is no MCB connected to the controller. On CC612 the opto input C8/7 is used.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
SPDCFGIndividualNoAllows support for Surge Protection Devices (SPD). It must be 'Off' when there is no SPD connected to the controller.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On OPTO C6/5 (Normally closed) (2) On OPTO C6/5 (Normally open) (3) On OPTO C8/7 (Normally closed) (4) On OPTO C8/7 (Normally open) Def: Off
VentHeatingCtrlModeBothNoThis parameter allows to enable the activation of an external fan or heater according to the housing temperature or vehicle state.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) Status D (Ventilation Required by vehicle) (2) Charging (Ventilation) (3) Above threshold and charging (Ventilation) (4) Above threshold (Ventilation) (5) Below threshold (Heating) Def: Off
LightSensorEnableIndividualNoAllows to enable or disable the light sensorNoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
TiltDetectionBothNoAllows to configure the tilt detection. With the 'On (Prevent)' option selected, the error will remain and charging will be prevented, even if the chargepoint is put back into it's correct position. The error will be deleted, after the position is corrected and the chargepoint is reset. With the 'On (Continue)' option selected, the error will be deleted automatically, once the chargepoint is put back into correct position and charging will resume.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On (Continue) (2) On (Prevent) Def: On (Prevent)
WeldCheckAuxRelayBothNoWhen enabled, the auxiliary relay will be activated whenever the contactor is welded. If enabled on CC1612 the RCD test pin is not used but instead the selected Ex out output.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) AUX Def: Off
MonitoringRelayInputIndividualNoUse a unique input from a monitoring relay to trigger RCD/MCB.YesR/WEnum(0) Disable (1) Enable OPTO C8/7 (2) Enable OPTO C6/5 Def: Disable
PEStateIndividualNoPE StateNoRStringDef: "Disabled"
PEFailAsErrorIndividualNoSet an error state in case PE monitoring reveals a failure.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
RCDAUTORECLOSUREDELAYBothNoRCD auto reclosure delay in seconds.YesR/Wuint[30..1800] Def: 900
RCDAUTORECLOSUREATTEMPTSBothNoRCD auto reclosure attempts.YesR/Wuint[1..10] Def: 3
VentHeatingHystBothNoThis delta in degree (Celsius) allows to add hysteresis to the fan or heater control. In order to switch off the fan/heater the temperature must be below/above the configured temperature threshold plus/minus this delta.YesR/Wuint[0..25] Def: 4
VentHeatingTempThrBothNoTemperature threshold necessary to start or stop the fan or heater.YesR/Wint[-40..100] Def: 85
AmbientCpuDeltaIndividualNoTemperature delta for measurements from temperature sensor. This value should be tuned according to the thermal characteristics of the charging station.NoR/Wuint[0..150] Def: 23
GaroBoardBothNoEnable or disable the use of the Garo Top Board for MCB and RCD inputs. The parameter must be set in both master and slave.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
LocalScheduledRebootsBothNoThe local time hour that is used for house keeping reboots. The charge controller reboots after 30 days to ensure uninterrupted operation. Reboots only occur with no vehicle connected and no customer present. Select an hour in range [0..23].YesR/Wuint[0..23] Def: 0
DaysScheduledRebootsBothNoNumber of days that is used for house keeping reboots. The charge controller reboots after the number of days to ensure uninterrupted operation. Reboots only occur with no vehicle connected and no customer present. Select a number in range [1..99].NoR/Wuint[1..30] Def: 30
ReducedCurrentIndividualNoCharging current value in Ampere when temperature is above temperature threshold 1.NoR/Wuint[6..80] Def: 16
ReducedCurrentPctIndividualNoHow much (in %) of signaled current should be applied to reduce temperature when temperature is above temperature threshold 1.NoR/Wuint[0..100] Def: 100
TempDeltaMasterNoTemperature change in degrees Celsius for which a new temperature measurement report is sent to the backend system. A value of 0 switches the reporting off.NoR/Wint[0..50] Def: 5
TempStopThreshold2IndividualNoTemperature threshold necessary to stop charging.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 85
TempReduceThreshold1IndividualNoTemperature threshold necessary to start decreasing the current.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 85
DeratingWallbox1Thresh1IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 4.1K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 62
DeratingWallbox1Thresh2IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 4.1K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 69
DeratingWallbox1Thresh3IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 4.1K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 70
DeratingWallbox2Thresh1IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 4.1K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 62
DeratingWallbox2Thresh2IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 4.1K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 69
DeratingWallbox2Thresh3IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 4.1K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 70
DeratingDcPlusThresh1IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 4.1K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 80
DeratingDcPlusThresh2IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 4.1K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 87
DeratingDcMinusThresh1IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 4.1K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 80
DeratingDcMinusThresh2IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 4.1K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 87
DeratingHmiHumiThresh1IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 70
DeratingHmiHumiThresh2IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 83
DeratingHmiHumiThresh3IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 85
DeratingHmiDispThresh1IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 73
DeratingHmiDispThresh2IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 76
DeratingHmiDispThresh3IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 78
DeratingHmiPhytThresh1IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 70
DeratingHmiPhytThresh2IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 73
DeratingHmiPhytThresh3IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 75
DeratingHmiALMThresh1IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 70
DeratingHmiAlmThresh2IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 75
DeratingMainboardThresh1IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 2.0K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 78
DeratingMainboardThresh2IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 2.0K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 83
DeratingMainboardThresh3IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 2.0K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 84
DeratingCoupBoardThresh1IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 2.0K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 78
DeratingCoupBoardThresh2IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 2.0K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 83
DeratingCoupBoardThresh3IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 2.0K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 84
DeratingDccBoardThresh1IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 2.0K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 78
DeratingDccBoardThresh2IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 2.0K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 83
DeratingDccBoardThresh3IndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger derating functionality. 2.0K tolerance included.NoR/Wint[40..100] Def: 84
DeratingStokeThreshIndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger stoke functionality.NoR/Wint[-50..10] Def: -25
DeratingStokeThreshConnectorIndividualNoTemperature threshold to trigger connector stoke functionality.NoR/Wint[-50..10] Def: -45
DeratingDcSysCurrentLimitIndividualNoSingle phase RMS current limit (in A) for energy management derating option. Range: from 5A to 80A. A value of 0A interrupts the charging process.YesR/Wuint[0..80] Def: 5
ActuatorLockUnlockCycleBothNoActuator Lock-Unlock Cycle. If set to bi-weekly a lock and unlock of the actuator is performed at night and when no car is charging and has not been charging for more than a week. If set to immediate locking-unlocking an cycle is done immediately, and then the option is set back to Off.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) Bi-Weekly (2) Immediate Def: Off
MaxEnergyPerSessionNot relevantNoEnergy limit (in kwh) set by the operatorNoR/Wuint[0..250] Def: 0
MaxTimePerSessionNot relevantNoTime limit (in h) set by the operatorNoR/Wuint[0..72] Def: 0
InputOutputBackendControlledModeBothNoInputs (InputOptoC65 and InputOptoC87 on CC612 or InputOpto1 and InputOpto2 on others) and output (OutputAuxRelayC34 relay on CC612 or Output1 on others) can be controlled via backend.YesREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
InputChangeNotifyBackendBothNoChanges on inputs 1 and 2 will issue a status notification message to backend limited to not more then one message every 10 sec. Requires 'Backend controlled mode for inputs and outputs' set to 'On'.NoREnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
EVMeterTypeIndividualNoType of meter used in the DC output outletYesREnum(3) No Meter (48) DC DZG GSH01 (51) Internal DC meter Def: No Meter
OCPPMeterTypeIndividualNoType of meter used for the charging socket and its connector. This is relevant for OCPP transactions. For Modbus/RTU meters the address must be 1.YesREnum(53) eHZ Meter via USB (6) Modbus Meter ABB (47) Modbus ABB EV3 (44) Modbus Berg B23 (43) Modbus Berg BME 461 (19) Modbus TQ EM300-LR (41) Modbus TQ EM410/EM420 (25) Modbus TQ EM300-LR (TCP) (42) Modbus TQ EM410/EM420 (TCP) (60) Modbus IPD Control (TCP) (65) Modbus Meter Carlo Gavazzi EM111/112 (20) Modbus Meter Carlo Gavazzi EM200 (29) Modbus Meter Carlo Gavazzi EM210 (21) Modbus Meter Carlo Gavazzi EM340 (37) Modbus DZG DVH4013 (7) Modbus Meter Eastron SDM630 (8) Modbus Eastron SDM120_220 (39) Modbus Eastron SDM72D (32) Modbus ECS M3PRO (13) Modbus Meter Finder (12) Modbus Meter Garo EM270 (10) Modbus Meter Garo GNM1D (9) Modbus Meter Garo GNM3D (22) Modbus Meter Garo GNM3T (28) Modbus Meter Garo GNM3TD (11) Modbus Meter Garo GM3T (59) Modbus Meter Garo GMI3D-LP (38) Modbus Gossen Metrawatt EM2289 (27) Modbus Hager ECR380D (23) Modbus IME CE4DMID31 (66) Modbus IME CE4DF3DTMID (15) Modbus Inepro PRO1_2 (16) Modbus Inepro PRO380 (63) Modbus Wago 879-3000 (40) Modbus Iskra WM3M6 (57) Modbus Iskra IE38M (58) Modbus Meter Finder 7M38 (33) Modbus Janitza UMG 512/96 PRO (34) Modbus Janitza UMG 512/96 PRO (TCP) (64) Modbus Janitza UMG 604 PRO (TCP) (35) Modbus Janitza UMG 605 PRO (36) Modbus Janitza UMG 605 PRO (TCP) (18) Modbus Meter NZR EcoCount S85 (46) Modbus NZR EcoCount SL85 (17) Modbus Optec (45) Modbus Phoenix Contact EEM-EM357 (30) Modbus Phoenix Contact EEM-MB371 (TCP) (14) Modbus Saia ALE3 (62) Modbus Schneider Generic (TCP) (61) Modbus Schneider Generic (31) Modbus Schneider iEM3555 (26) Modbus Siemens 7KM2200 (TCP) (24) Modbus Siemens 7KT1666 (49) Modbus YTL DTS353F (1) S0 Meter Opto C6/5 (2) S0 Meter Opto C8/7 (52) Modbus Eichrecht (3) No Meter (55) Car Simulator Def: No Meter
SecondMeterTypeMasterNoEnergy Management: the type of second meter used only for input to manage the current on the grid. For Modbus/RTU meters the address must be 2.YesR/WEnum(56) WiMOD IR Reader USB stick (6) Modbus Meter ABB (47) Modbus ABB EV3 (44) Modbus Berg B23 (43) Modbus Berg BME 461 (19) Modbus TQ EM300-LR (25) Modbus TQ EM300-LR (TCP) (41) Modbus TQ EM410/EM420 (42) Modbus TQ EM410/EM420 (TCP) (60) Modbus IPD Control (TCP) (65) Modbus Meter Carlo Gavazzi EM111/112 (20) Modbus Meter Carlo Gavazzi EM200 (29) Modbus Meter Carlo Gavazzi EM210 (21) Modbus Meter Carlo Gavazzi EM340 (7) Modbus Meter Eastron SDM630 (8) Modbus Eastron SDM120_220 (39) Modbus Eastron SDM72D (32) Modbus ECS M3PRO (13) Modbus Meter Finder (12) Modbus Meter Garo EM270 (10) Modbus Meter Garo GNM1D (9) Modbus Meter Garo GNM3D (22) Modbus Meter Garo GNM3T (28) Modbus Meter Garo GNM3TD (11) Modbus Meter Garo GM3T (59) Modbus Meter Garo GMI3D-LP (27) Modbus Hager ECR380D (23) Modbus IME CE4DMID31 (66) Modbus IME CE4DF3DTMID (15) Modbus Inepro PRO1_2 (16) Modbus Inepro PRO380 (63) Modbus Wago 879-3000 (40) Modbus Iskra WM3M6 (57) Modbus Iskra IE38M (58) Modbus Meter Finder 7M38 (33) Modbus Janitza UMG 512/96 PRO (34) Modbus Janitza UMG 512/96 PRO (TCP) (64) Modbus Janitza UMG 604 PRO (TCP) (35) Modbus Janitza UMG 605 PRO (36) Modbus Janitza UMG 605 PRO (TCP) (18) Modbus Meter NZR EcoCount S85 (46) Modbus NZR EcoCount SL85 (17) Modbus Optec (45) Modbus Phoenix Contact EEM-EM357 (30) Modbus Phoenix Contact EEM-MB371 (TCP) (14) Modbus Saia ALE3 (62) Modbus Schneider Generic (TCP) (61) Modbus Schneider Generic (31) Modbus Schneider iEM3555 (26) Modbus Siemens 7KM2200 (TCP) (24) Modbus Siemens 7KT1666 (49) Modbus YTL DTS353F (1) S0 Meter Opto C6/5 (2) S0 Meter Opto C8/7 (3) No Meter Def: No Meter
OcppMeterEnergyIndividualNoComputed energy consumption in Wh.NoRStringDef: ""
SecondMeterEnergyIndividualNoComputed energy consumption in Wh from second meter.NoRStringDef: ""
EVMeterEnergyIndividualNoComputed energy consumption in Wh from DC meter.NoRStringDef: ""
OcppMeterPowerIndividualNoComputed power consumption in Watt from OCPP meter.NoRStringDef: ""
SecondMeterPowerIndividualNoComputed power consumption in Watt from second meterNoRStringDef: ""
EVMeterPowerIndividualNoComputed power consumption in Watt from DC meterNoRStringDef: ""
OcppMeterCurrentIndividualNoPhases Current in Ampere measured by OCPP meter.NoRStringDef: ""
SecondMeterCurrentIndividualNoPhases current in Ampere measured by second meter.NoRStringDef: ""
EVMeterCurrentIndividualNoPhases current in Ampere measured by DC meter.NoRStringDef: ""
OcppMeterVoltageIndividualNoPhases Voltage in Volts measured by OCPP meter.NoRStringDef: ""
SecondMeterVoltageIndividualNoPhases voltage in Volts measured by second meterNoRStringDef: ""
EVMeterVoltageIndividualNoPhases voltage in Volts measured by DC meterNoRStringDef: ""
OCPPViaLocalNetworkBothNoIf 'On' minimum value of parameter MeterValueSampleInterval is reduced from '10' to '1'.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
MeterSerialNumberIndividualNoSerial number as reported by the eHZ or ModBus meter.NoR/WStringDef: "No Id read yet"
EVMeterSerialNumberIndividualNoSerial number as reported by the DC meter.NoR/WStringDef: "No Id read yet"
SecondMeterSerialNumberIndividualNoSerial number as reported by the eHZ or ModBus meterNoR/WStringDef: "No Id read yet"
MeterPublicKeyIndividualNoPublic key of the cryptography engine of the connected meter used for billing if available.NoRStringDef: ""
MeterValueSampleIntervalBothNoInterval in seconds after which a new meter value is sent to the backend system during a charging transaction. Set 0 to turn off or to a value greater than or equal to 10 to turn on.NoR/Wuint[0..99999] Def: 0
MeterValueSampleModeBothNoAccording to the mode, meter values are sent under specific circumstances. 'WholeTransaction': only while transaction is active. 'ContactorClosed': only when contactor is closed.'CurrentFlowOnly': only when current is flowing to vehicle.NoR/WEnum(0) WholeTransaction (1) ContactorClosed (2) CurrentFlowOnly Def: WholeTransaction
ClockAlignedDataIntervalBothNoInterval in seconds after which a new meter value is sent to the backend system regardless of whether a charging transaction is ongoing or not. The sending of these values is aligned with the full hour. Set it to 0 to turn off or a value of 10 or greater to turn on.YesR/Wuint[0..4294967295] Def: 0
ClockAlignedMeterRandomSendDelayBothNoThe sending of the clock aligned values are delayed for a random time between 0 and the configured value. In case of large number of chargers, this can prevent backend problems on handling many messages at the same time.YesR/Wuint[0..4294967295] Def: 10
MeterValuesAlignedDataBothYesComma-separated list of types of meter values that should be sent as clock aligned data elements in separate meter values messages. Supported are: 'Energy.Active.Import.Register', 'Power.Active.Import', 'Current.Import', 'Current.Offered', 'Voltage', 'Soc', 'Frequency' and 'Temperature'.NoR/WStringDef: "Energy.Active.Import.Register"
MeterValuesSampledDataBothYesComma-separated list of types of meter values that should be sent as sampled data elements in separate meter value messages. Supported are: 'Energy.Active.Import.Register', 'Power.Active.Import', 'Power.Offered', 'Current.Import', 'Current.Offered', 'Frequency', 'SoC' and 'Temperature'.NoR/WStringDef: "Energy.Active.Import.Register"
StopTxnSampledDataBothYesNot supported (included for compatibility).NoR/WStringDef: ""
StopTxnAlignedDataBothYesNot supported (included for compatibility).NoR/WStringDef: ""
SecondMeterIPAddressMasterNoSets the IP address of the second meter.YesR/WStringDef: ""
SecondMeterTCPPortNumberMasterNoSpecifies the TCP port of the second Modbus meter.YesR/Wuint[0..65535] Def: 502
MeterRestrictSecondaryTypesNot relevantNoShow complete list with all meter types for load management or limit list to meter models with Modbus TCP.YesREnum(0) All meter types (1) Modbus TCP meters only Def: All meter types
RestartTransAfterPowerLossBothNoEnable if a transaction that was interrupted by a power loss shall be continued once the power is restored. If disabled the authorization needs to be done again by the user and the a new transaction will be started. Can't be enabled if sending signed meter values is enabled.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On (2) On (BYES specific) Def: Off
CurrentDirPrimaryL1IndividualNoIf set to 'Standard' the current and power value reported by the primary meter in line 1 will be considered to be from the grid to the charger. If 'Inverted' is selected then the value reported by the primary meter will be considered to be from the charger to the grid.YesR/WEnum(0) Standard (1) Inverted Def: Standard
CurrentDirPrimaryL2IndividualNoIf set to 'Standard' the current and power value reported by the primary meter in line 2 will be considered to be from the grid to the charger. If 'Inverted' is selected then the value reported by the primary meter will be considered to be from the charger to the grid.YesR/WEnum(0) Standard (1) Inverted Def: Standard
CurrentDirPrimaryL3IndividualNoIf set to 'Standard' the current and power value reported by the primary meter in line 3 will be considered to be from the grid to the charger. If 'Inverted' is selected then the value reported by the primary meter will be considered to be from the charger to the grid.YesR/WEnum(0) Standard (1) Inverted Def: Standard
CurrentDirSecondL1IndividualNoIf set to 'Inverted', the current and power value reported by the second meter in line 1 will be inverted in sign.YesR/WEnum(0) Standard (1) Inverted Def: Standard
CurrentDirSecondL2IndividualNoIf set to 'Inverted', the current and power value reported by the second meter in line 2 will be inverted in sign.YesR/WEnum(0) Standard (1) Inverted Def: Standard
CurrentDirSecondL3IndividualNoIf set to 'Inverted', the current and power value reported by the second meter in line 3 will be inverted in sign.YesR/WEnum(0) Standard (1) Inverted Def: Standard
WrittenOfferAddressBothNoConfigures the postal address part of the written offer that the user can write to in order to request the GPL software. (Multiple lines can be separated by commas.)NoRStringDef: "Ebee Smart Technologies GmbH, Torgauer Str. 12-15 (Haus 4), 10829 Ber..."
ManufacturerURLMasterNoConfigures the uniform resource locator (URL) of the manufacturer. The manufacturer URL is used by various network services such as the SEMP interface.NoRStringDef: "https://www.bender.de"
AuthorizationInputNot relevantNoInput used for authorization from an external switch/relay. If triggered, an AuthorizeRequest with a fixed idtag 'input_auth' will be sent to the backend. To authorize successfully, 'input_auth' needs to be configured in the backend.YesREnum(0) Disable (1) Enable Opto C6/5 (2) Enable Opto C8/7 Def: Disable
RestInterfaceEnableBothNoThis option enables the REST interface. It provides the status of the charge controller, error messages and charging session information. The interface can be used to show information on a customer-facing display of the charger. The option 'Enabled (without UID)' prevents access to user authentication information. 'Enabled (with UID)' shows user authentication information and may be used, when interfaces are protected against unauthorized access.YesR/WEnum(0) Disabled (1) Enabled (with UID) (2) Enabled (without UID) Def: Disabled
DlmHierarchicalModeMasterNoIf selected, this node will function as the DLM Coordinator (i.e. the "central" node) of the hierarchical DLM network. There can only be a single coordinatorYesR/WEnum(0) Disabled (1) Enabled (with local MQTT broker) (2) Enabled (with remote MQTT broker) Def: Disabled
DlmcAddressMasterNoThis unique address identifies this controller in the hierarchical DLM network. The naming schema is following: ...\\\. The schema has to be the equivalent to the hierarchy in the constraints for this hierarchical DLM network.Yes
DlmcMqttBrokerAddressMasterNoThe IP address for the broker. On one of the controllers in the hierarchical DLM network has to be run the MQTT broker. Use the IP address of the controller where the value "Enabled (with local MQTT broker)" was set.YesR/WStringDef: ""
DlmcMqttBrokerPortMasterNoThe port on which this controller connects to the MQTT broker. The default is 8883.YesR/Wuint[1024..65535] Def: 8883
DlmcMaximumFallbackCurrent1 DlmcMaximumFallbackCurrent2 DlmcMaximumFallbackCurrent3MasterNoWhen the connection to the DLM coordinator is lost then this fallback current (L1/L2/L3) [A] is set for the DLM masterYesR/WTriple[0..10000] Def: 20:20:20
DlmcPublishConstraintsMasterNoWhen enabled the constraints will be published to the MQTT brokerYesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
DlmStateIndividualNoDLM StateNoRStringDef: "Disabled"
DlmModeIndividualNoSpecifies the ChargePoint's role in a DLM network. There MUST be exactly one DLM Master in a DLM network managing multiple DLM-Slaves. Typically, a ChargePoint configured as DLM Master will also host an internal DLM-Slave. Note: A ChargePoint configured as standalone DLM Master will not host an internal DLM-Slave. If used for charging anyway, its power consumption will be not controlled by DLM!YesR/WEnum(0) Disabled (1) DLM Master (With internal DLM-Slave) (2) DLM Master (Standalone) (3) DLM Slave (Master-Auto-Discovery) (4) DLM Slave (Master-Fixed-IP) Def: Disabled
DlmSolarMode_dlmMasterNoWhether this DLM Master allows special handling of DLM-Slaves that want to use solar energy. Only Solar Charging will allow those Slaves to charge only when there's enough solar energy available.YesR/WEnum(0) Deactivated (1) Only Solar Charging Def: Deactivated
DlmDiscoveryNetworkIdMasterNoSeveral DLM groupings might coexist in one physical LAN. In case of DLM Master-Auto-Discovery, they are distinguished by Master-Auto-Discovery Network Id.YesR/Wuint[0..255] Def: 0
DlmMasterIpMasterNoDLM Master IP which is used for DLM-Slaves configured with Master-Fixed-IP. Additionally the connection port can be specified (IP[:port]).YesR/WStringDef: ""
DlmPhase1Limit DlmPhase2Limit DlmPhase3LimitMasterNoOverall current limit for DLM available for distribution to EVs.YesR/WTriple[0..10000] Def: 16:16:16
DlmOperatorPhase1Limit DlmOperatorPhase2Limit DlmOperatorPhase3LimitMasterNoOperator current limit for DLM available for distributionto EVs. The 'Operator EVSE Sub-Distribution Limit' is equal or smaller than the 'EVSE Sub-Distribution Limit'. It can be changed without rebooting the chargepoint. Thus a backend could use this parameter to alter the energy available for charging EVs dynamically. The backend will not be able to set a value higher than the 'EVSE Sub-Distribution Limit'.NoR/WTriple[0..10000] Def: 16:16:16
DlmExtMeterMainDistributionLimitPhase1 DlmExtMeterMainDistributionLimitPhase2 DlmExtMeterMainDistributionLimitPhase3MasterNoCurrent limit for DLM available for distribution to EVs and additional energy loads. This value is typically higher than the 'EVSE Sub-Distribution Limit' above. An external meter is required to detect the energy consumption of the additional load.YesR/WTriple[0..10000] Def: 100:100:100
DlmExtLoadHeadroomPhase1 DlmExtLoadHeadroomPhase2 DlmExtLoadHeadroomPhase3MasterNoSafety margin to avoid transient overload situations. The algorithm will keep headroom towards 'Main Distribution Limit'NoR/WTriple[0..10000] Def: 0:0:0
DlmExtLoadAvgLenMasterNoMeter values will be averaged in order to avoid transients.YesR/Wuint[2..3600] Def: 5
DlmDisconnectedLimitBothNoCurrent limit when disconnected from DLM network.YesR/Wuint[0..100] Def: 6
DlmMinCurrentRatingBothNoMinimum current limit that charging should not go below.YesR/Wuint[6..100] Def: 6
DlmSlaveSolarEnabledBothNoEnables additional limiting for this DLM-Slave to use renewable productionYesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
DlmCurrImbalanceLimMasterNoMaximum allowed phase imbalance. DLM will not exceed the 'Current Imbalance Limit' between phases when assigning current to EVs.YesR/Wuint[0..255] Def: 20
DlmExtMeterLoadFallbackPhase1 DlmExtMeterLoadFallbackPhase2 DlmExtMeterLoadFallbackPhase3MasterNoIn the error case, where the external meter is disconnected or fails, 'External Load Fallback' is assumed as consumption of an additional consumer. Setting to a high value will result in no current available for the EVSE sub-distribution in that particular situation. Thus, charging would stopYesR/WTriple[0..10000] Def: 9999:9999:9999
DlmInput1CurrOffsetPhase1 DlmInput1CurrOffsetPhase2 DlmInput1CurrOffsetPhase3MasterNoOffset added to 'EVSE Sub-Distribution Limit' case external input 1 is high. Note: currently only negative values are supported.YesR/WTriple[-10000..0] Def: 0:0:0
DlmInput2CurrOffsetPhase1 DlmInput2CurrOffsetPhase2 DlmInput2CurrOffsetPhase3MasterNoOffset added to 'EVSE Sub-Distribution Limit' case external input 2 is high. Note: currently only negative values are supported.YesR/WTriple[-10000..0] Def: 0:0:0
DlmInput3CurrOffsetPhase1 DlmInput3CurrOffsetPhase2 DlmInput3CurrOffsetPhase3MasterNoOffset added to 'EVSE Sub-Distribution Limit' case meter digital input is high. Note: currently only negative values are supported.YesR/WTriple[-10000..0] Def: 0:0:0
DlmExtMeterEnabledMasterNoIf enabled, an external, secondary meter allows to also consider the power consumption of additional load. The power available for charging EVs will be adjusted accordingly. Please make sure, 'Meter configuration (Second)' is configured, preferrably to a 3-phase, phase aware meter.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
DlmExtMeterLocationMasterNoSpecifies how the external meter is connected according to its location. Either at the grid's entry point; between an external load and the rest of the installation; or at a renewable energy source such as e.g. a solar panel.YesR/WEnum(0) Grid (1) External Load (2) Renewable Production Def: Grid
DlmCurrImbalancePreventionEnabledMasterNoIf enabled, DLM will not exceed the 'Current Imbalance Limit' configured.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
DlmDisableDiscoveryBroadcastMasterNoDisables the broadcasting of DLM Discovery beacons in the DLM master. If disabled, DLM slaves will not be able to find their DLM master automatically with the help of the DLM Master-Auto-Discovery feature.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
DlmRecalcIntervalMasterNoThe DLM algorithm will not calculate and re-assign current to it's DLM slaves any faster than at this configured rate. As an exception, EVs getting ready to charge will be considered and assigned current immedeately.NoR/WEnum(1) 1 sec (2) 2 sec (5) 5 sec (15) 15 sec (30) 30 sec (60) 1 min (600) 10 min (999) 15 min Def: 30 sec
DlmPersistentSlavesCountMasterNoNumber of persistent DLM slaves registered in DLM slave databaseNoRuint[0..0] Def: 0
DlmClearPersistentSlavesMasterNoSelect 'Clear' and 'Save' to clear the database of known DLM slavesNoR/WEnum(0) - (1) Clear Def: -
DlmInput1CurrOffsetCfgMasterNoAdds a configurable offset to 'EVSE Sub-Distribution Limit' based on GPI External Input 1.YesR/WEnum(0) Disable (1) Enable Opto C6/5 (2) Enable Opto C8/7 Def: Disable
DlmInput2CurrOffsetCfgMasterNoAdds a configurable offset to 'EVSE Sub-Distribution Limit' based on GPI External Input 2.YesR/WEnum(0) Disable (1) Enable Opto C6/5 (2) Enable Opto C8/7 Def: Disable
DlmInput3CurrOffsetCfgMasterNoAdds a configurable offset to 'EVSE Sub-Distribution Limit' based on the Meter's Digital Input register.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
DlmInput1PolarityMasterNoChanges the polarity of the input signal 1. "Active high" does not change the polarity, "Active low" inverts the signal.YesR/WEnum(0) Active high (1) Active low Def: Active high
DlmInput2PolarityMasterNoChanges the polarity of the input signal 2. "Active high" does not change the polarity, "Active low" inverts the signal.YesR/WEnum(0) Active high (1) Active low Def: Active high
ModbusSlaveTCPConfigOnOffBothNoActivates the charging station's Modbus TCP Server function for connecting energy management systems via Ethernet. Through this interface control information and commands are transferred between charging station and energy manager. For detailed information on the Modbus registers, see the product documentation.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
ModbusSlaveRegAddrSetBothNoChoose the set of register addresses that the Modbus TCP Server device will expose to its Master deviceYesR/WEnum(0) Phoenix (1) TQ-DM100 (2) Open Modbus Charge Control Interface (OMCCI) Def: TQ-DM100
ModbusSlaveAllowStartStopBothNoAllows transactions to be started/stopped from a Modbus Master device via the controller's Modbus TCP Server interface.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
ModbusSlaveAllowUIDDiscloseBothNoAllows sending the UID over the Ebee Modbus TCP Server protocolYesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
ModbusSlaveTCPPortMasterNoPort number on which the Modbus TCP Server waits for incoming connections on connector 1. A second server waits on 'port + 100'. It's registers are read only. In case a second connector is supported, the configured 'port + 1' and 'port + 101' will be used for that connector.YesR/Wuint[0..65434] Def: 502
ModbusSlaveCommTimeoutBothNoTimeout in seconds between messages with a Modbus TCP Master deviceYesR/Wuint[1..2147483647] Def: 1200
ModbusSlaveDevAddrIndividualNoDevice address (0 to 255) to use for the Modbus TCP Server featureYesR/Wuint[0..255] Def: 10
SMAInterfaceOnOffMasterNoThe charging station can be networked with the SMA Sunny Home Manager 2.0 to charge primarily or exclusively with self-generated solar energy.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
SMAChargingModeMasterNoThis option sets the directly applicable charging mode. In surplus charging mode, the vehicle charges primarily with self-generated electricity according to the setting in Sunny Portal. In immediate charging mode, control signals from the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 are ignored and the vehicle is charged with the maximum possible current regardless of the available solar power. In Manual Configuration mode, it is also possible to specify how much energy is to be charged at least until the preset departure time. This mode also uses energy from the electricity grid if not enough self-generated electricity can be provided. The expected amount of energy can be communicated to the energy manager via the maximum demand option. In each of the modes, charging continues until the vehicle is full.NoR/WEnum(0) Manual configuration (1) Immediate charging (2) Surplus charging Def: Manual configuration
SMACommunicationTimeoutMasterNoIf the charging station cannot reach the energy manager for longer than set, the connection is considered to have failed. Possible value range: 60s to 3600s.NoR/Wuint[60..3600] Def: 600
SMACommunicationTimeoutCurrentMasterNoIf the connection to the energy manager fails, the charging current is set to the value set here. Settings between 6A and 80A are permissible.NoR/Wuint[6..80] Def: 6
SMAMaxEnergyDemandMasterNoThis value sets the maximum energy demand that is reported to the Energy Manager for the Charging Station. This value typically represents the maximum capacity of the vehicle battery. Permissible range of values: 1 kWh to 1000 kWh.NoR/Wuint[1..1000] Def: 30
SMAMinEnergyDemandMasterNoThis value sets the minimum amount of energy that is reported to the Energy Manager for the charge point. With manual configuration, at least the set amount of energy is charged by the preset time. Permissible value range: 0 kWh to 1000 kWh.NoR/Wuint[0..1000] Def: 5
SMAChargeCompleteTimeMasterNoThis value configures the time of day until the charging process should be completed. At least the minimum configured energy requirement should be charged by this time.NoR/WStringDef: "08:00"
EEBUSConfigOnOffMasterNoCompatible energy managers can control the charging station via the EEBus interface.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
EEBUSModuleVersionMasterNoNoR/Wuint[0..4294967295] Def: 0
EEBUSModuleShipIdMasterNoNoR/WStringDef: ""
EEBUSConfigCevcOnOffMasterNoCompatible energy managers can control the charging station via the EEBus interface.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
EEBUSFallbackCurrentMasterNoIf the connection to the energy manager fails, the charging current is set to the value set here. Settings between 6A and 80A are permissible.NoR/Wuint[6..80] Def: 6
EEBUSCommunicationTimeoutMasterNoIf the charging station cannot reach the energy manager for longer than set, the connection is considered to have failed. If the energy manager serves to protect the main fuse from overload, a correspondingly short time is recommended. Possible value range: 4s to 3600s.NoR/Wint[4..3600] Def: 4
EEBUSPairingActionSelectorExtMasterNoCouple energy manager activates the EEBUS coupling process. The coupling must also be activated on energy manager side.NoR/WStringDef: "{"model": "", "ski": "", "ip": "", "shipId": "", "coupled": 0}"
EEBUSPairedCemIdMasterNoIdentifier issued by the coupled energy manager for identification purposes.NoR/WStringDef: ""
EEBUSPairedCemSkiMasterNoSubject Key Identifier of the coupled energy manager for identification purposes.NoR/WStringDef: ""
EEBUSPairedCemUriMasterNoNoR/WStringDef: ""
EEBUSPairedCemModelNameMasterNoNoR/WStringDef: ""
EEBUSPairedCemIpMasterNoNoR/WStringDef: ""
HemsConfigChargingModeMasterNoThis option allows to select the charging mode used by the eebus system."Mains charging" configures the charging with mains power. The options "Solar charging" and "Solar surplus charging" configures the usage of self produced solar power for charging. Both options aims to optimize the self-consumption whereas "Solar surplus charging" configures additionally the exclusive use of solar surplus power for charging.NoR/WEnum(0) Mains charging (1) Solar charging (2) Solar surplus charging Def: Mains charging
HemsConfigMaxEnergyDemandMasterNoThis value sets the maximum energy demand that is reported to the Energy Manager for the Charging Station. This value typically represents the maximum capacity of the vehicle battery. Permissible range of values: 1 kWh to 1000 kWh.NoR/Wuint[1..1000] Def: 30
HemsConfigMinEnergyDemandMasterNoThis value sets the minimum amount of energy that is reported to the Energy Manager for the charge point. With manual configuration, at least the set amount of energy is charged by the preset time. Permissible value range: 0 kWh to 1000 kWh.NoR/Wuint[0..1000] Def: 5
HemsConfigOptEnergyDemandMasterNoThis value sets the optimal amount of energy that is reported to the Energy Manager for the charge point. With manual configuration, at least the set amount of energy is charged by the preset time. Permissible value range: 0 kWh to 1000 kWh.NoR/Wuint[0..1000] Def: 8
HemsConfigChargeCompleteTimeMasterNoThis value configures the time of day until the charging process should be completed. At least the minimum configured energy requirement should be charged by this time.NoR/WStringDef: "08:00"
CCS_StateIndividualNoState of CCS plug and CP.NoRStringDef: "(A) Vehicle not connected"
DCValuesIndividualNoPresent DC voltage and current.NoRStringDef: "0.0 V 0.0 A 0.0 kW"
ACValuesIndividualNoAC current and voltage for every phase.NoRStringDef: "( 0 \
DCEVRESSSOCIndividualNoState of charge of the EV’s battery (RESS). Range: 0% - 100%.NoRStringDef: "Not Available"
ResetMode4PlugCounterToIndividualNoNumber of times the CCS Mode 4 plug was plugged in.NoR/Wuint[0..4294967295] Def: 0
CCSMode4PlugCounterNot relevantNoNumber of times the plug was plugged in.NoRStringDef: "0/50,000"
DC_RCMB_STATEIndividualNoCurrent values Maximum values of last transactionNoRStringDef: "Residual current [mA]: AC: 0.0 (max:0.0) DC: 0.0 (max:0.0)"
DCTempLogsIndividualNoEnable/Disable the temperature loggingNoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
DCDeratingIndividualNoEnable/Disable the temperature deratingYesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: On
SUExtraLoggingIndividualNoEnable DCC-SU data communication stream logging. When enabled all data exchanged between SU and DCC will be logged in hexadecimal format.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
SUExtraLoggingUDSIndividualNoEnable DCC-SU UDS communication stream logging. When enabled all UDS messages exchanged between SU and DCC will be logged in hexadecimal format.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
SULogsIndividualNoSelect if dedicated SU logging should be done always with a regular frequency or if it should be done only while the car is connected. In all cases a log is written if an error has occurred.NoR/WEnum(0) Off (1) Every one minute (2) Every ten minutes (3) Every one hour (4) While EV connected, every one minute (5) While EV connected, every ten minutes Def: While EV connected, every one minute
SignedUpdatesBothNoEnables or disables the signature verification for software updates.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
BannerEnabledNot relevantNoA Banner SureCross DX80-PB2 gateway can be connected via the charging station's external Modbus RTU interface. Each gateway can connect up to 47 M-GAGE wireless sensors for parking space occupancy detection. The charging station connected to the gateway sends the occupancy data for all connected sensors via OCPP DataTransfer to the set backend, which may evaluate the data. Note: Modbus ID 3 must be set in the DX80 gateway configuration.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
BannerReadAnalogNot relevantNoFor testing and analysis purposes, raw analogue data from the parking sensor can be transmitted to the backend. As more data is transmitted, the data retrieval interval need to be increased. In normal operation, the transmission of raw data is not necessary.YesR/WEnum(0) Off (1) On Def: Off
BannerPollIntervalNot relevantNoSpecifies the interval in seconds at which the charging station retrieves sensor data from the gateway. New data can be retrieved after 20 seconds at the earliest. When retrieving raw analogue data, the interval must be at least 40 seconds. The interval should be extended if many sensors are connected and data from connected sensors is missing.YesR/Wuint[0..4294967295] Def: 20
BannerSendIntervalNot relevantNoSpecifies the interval in seconds at which sensor data is sent to the OCPP backend. The send interval should be at least 40 seconds and must not be shorter than the data retrieval interval. Intervals between 60 and a maximum of 600 seconds are recommended.YesR/Wuint[0..4294967295] Def: 60
BannerMaxNodeIdNot relevantNoParking sensors are integrated in the gateway with a consecutive number. The gateway has the number 0, the first sensor the number 1. Up to 47 sensors can be read via the gateway.YesR/Wuint[0..47] Def: 0
GeolocationUpdateMasterNoRequest or update the geolocation dataNoWButton