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Version: 5.32

Access the Configuration Interface

1. Requirements

  • Establish a connection between your laptop and Charge Controller. Follow this guide to learn how
  • Wait for the Charge Controller's Status LED to blink green

2. Steps

  1. Browse to with your web browser

You should see a login screen now.

Results may vary

Based on your factory-set firmware, you might land on the Legacy Configuration Interface without being prompted with login credentials at first.

  1. Log in to the Legacy Configuration Interface using the Manufacturer Login Credentials

3. Factory-set login credentials

Configuration Interface versionLoginUsernameDefault passwordURL
if on the Legacy Configuration Interface
Legacy Configuration InterfaceManufacturermanufacturerorange_zonehttp://
Legacy Configuration Interface & Configuration InterfaceOperatoroperatoryellow_zonehttp://
Configuration InterfaceInstallerinstallerblue_zonehttp://

Based on you logging in as a Charge Point Operator or Manufacturer, you'll see different configuration options. The Manufacturer options are more extensive.

4. Overview over the Configuration Interface

The Configuration Interface is a web-based user interface that comes bundled with the Charge Controller. We enable Manufacturers to align the Configuration Interface theme to their branding.

4.1. Common things you can do in the Configuration Interface

Here are some things you as a Manufacturer and Operator can do using the Configuration Interface:

  • Configure Master-Slave setups on double Charging Stations
  • Enable/disable various software functions
  • Configure Backend connections
  • Set up Load Management
  • And much more

5. Legacy Configuration Interface versus Modern Configuration Interface

The Charge Controller currently ships with a Legacy Configuration Interface and a Configuration Interface 2.0. One of the first recommended steps is to set the default Configuration Interface to Configuration Interface 2.0.


When mentioning the Configuration Interface, we refer to the Configuration Interface 2.0, unless otherwise specified.

Some Manufacturer options are being ported over to the Configuration Interface 2.0. In the meantime, you'll have to switch to the Legacy Configuration Interface to perform some configurations.

5.1. Changing the Configuration Interface selection

  1. Log in to the Legacy Configuration Interface using the Manufacturer Login Credentials
  2. Under Operator, scroll down to Web Interface, and set it to one of the following:
Location in Legacy Configuration InterfaceSettingValueInfo
OperatorWeb Interface1.0 (legacy)Only allow access to the legacy Configuration Interface only
2.0(recommended) Allow access to the Legacy Configuration Interface and Legacy Configuration Interface 2.0
2.0 onlyOnly allow access to the Legacy Configuration Interface 2.0