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Contributors' guide

First time contributing?

Check out the contributors' presentation before continuing.

Adding a new page to an existing category

Example: you want to add a new file talking about OCPP standards to the OCPP category.

  1. create a file under /docs/Controller/OCPP named
filename conventions
  • Lowercase
  • Add the immediate folder the file lives under to the filename <folder>-<topic>.md
  1. Open docs\Controller\sidebars.js
  2. Search for the category. Here it's OCPP.
type: 'category',
label: 'OCPP',
link: {
type: 'doc',
id: 'OCPP/index',
items: [
  1. Under items:, add the file path to your new document omitting the file extension. In our case this would be:
type: 'category',
label: 'OCPP',
link: {
type: 'doc',
id: 'OCPP/index',
items: [

Save your changes. You should see the new file in the docs outline. In our example you'd navigate to OCPP > ocpp-standards inside the local preview in your browser.

Titling a page

See here.